Tiny bubbles


Community member
Dec 26, 2016
The part about pearls that I like is that 'rainbow' soap-bubble effect. Pictures of pearls never seem to show that 'iridescent' aspect and pearls don't seem to be graded by this quality. My A1 Mikis don't have this quality. I don't know if a AA+ would or AAA? Or do I need to go to the very top of the grade for this effect? (Are AA+ close to Miki's lowest A1s? I know...I know...there's no constant grading between distributors which makes this infuriating. I thought I would ask anyway.) This inconsistency in grading is a big reason why people just suck it up and go to Miki or 'name-brand X' I think. LOL!

Anyway, there's the question about what grade does the iridescent quality fall into. (If pictures don't show the rainbow effect and all grading is different, how do I know they'll be right?) The next is:

Are there any 'wish-list' programs on sites featured on the list? (If I wanted to throw the hubby a huge hint, a wishlist would be PERFECT!)
I've seen that soap bubble effect on baroque pearls, not so much on rounds.

Baroque akoyas from PP:


Maybe also the natural white hanadamas at PP?
I find that the more baroque the pearl, the more intense the soap bubble effect. My natural white Hanadamas are very shiny and have beautiful orient, but baroque pearls have an even greater soap bubble effect.

It's nearly impossible to find perfectly round metallic freshwaters. The more metallic the pearl, the more likely it will not be round.

The soap bubble effect is lovely when it is present. I agree, PD and BW, more often it is on baroques. The iridescent quality isn't a consideration in grading as far as I know, but would be in matching pearls for a strand. Top quality pearls will not necessarily show iridescence, imo. Some commercial (lower) grade pearls will exhibit on part of the pearl, but not on the whole.

We have to remember that every single pearl is different, just like snowflakes! Some photos might show the effect, but in person one has a better chance to find that elusive quality. Seeing your terrific photo, PD, I am reminded just how difficult it is to get an accurate representation of ANY pearl strand! lol (But I keep working on it!)
Gorgeous baroque akoyas, PD. they look round to my eyes.
I'm trying to figure out what soap bubble effect is. Is it something like this one?
They're greenish ssp from Pearlescence.
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Thanks PD for your sweet words.
Now I've also read about "oil slick" effect on a pearl. Is it the same as soap bubble effect? Is it the same as aurora effect?
I'm so excited! My hubby just shared what he's getting me for my birthday! For a few months of pestering poor Pearl Paradise and putting all kinds of hints for the hubby. We even went to Mikimoto and looked at their A1 7-9mm strand and although I haven't seen the PP strand in person, I'm felling pretty confident they'll compare.

This morning I received the email with the 'surprise' ;)

Now I just have to wait for the Hanadamas to get here! I am dying! (And yes, I know I'm reeeeeally not good with surprises. ) ;)
I always understood the soap bubble/oil slick effect to be the orient.
Well, I got my awesome birthday gift of a string of Hanadamas ....but....but....they don't have the orient I had expected. :(

I feel kind of rotten to be so picky but... while they are reflective they are missing that rainbow effect. The A1 Mikis had the effect and I guess I assumed the Hanadamas would be close to that quality to have it. They also seem to have some scratches....Oh boy..... now I'm feeling horrible because one doesn't send back a birthday gift. :( Pearls-scratches.jpg
GoldenMaia, the return policy exists for this reason. If this particular strand doesn't satisfy you, send it back for a replacement. Keep in mind that even high quality strands are not flawless.

I do want to add that orient - the rainbow effect-- is mostly seen in non-round pearls, as we discussed earlier in this thread. I would not buy round pearls expecting orient. Overtones, yes, but not orient. If a round pearl does display orient, it will be more subtle than what you would see in baroques.

Maybe consider getting a baroque strand?
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Even Hanadama strands can be different from each other. If this strand doesn't float your boat, sail it back.