Tiny Bead Nucleated Freshwater Pearls

Pattye, I’m re-reading your posts, and did you reveal that you have a Stash? Of JohnTu all-nacre CFW? Oh, sad day that you let that slip! The HungryPearlers will be circling...
Pattye, I’m re-reading your posts, and did you reveal that you have a Stash? Of JohnTu all-nacre CFW? Oh, sad day that you let that slip! The HungryPearlers will be circling...

Lol, Lisa, it's true. Not sure the "HungryPearlers" want what I have, we'll see.

Gemandpearlover, interesting question about certain colors becoming passe. I would hope not. We are seeing so many cool shapes from fw that we don't get from saltwater pearls. (petal/cornflake, coin, ovals/rice, fireballs, just to name a few) Like a garden of flowers, certain colors make a splash and are at times more popular; farmers will focus on what is most profitable, generally the rounder, more perfect, colorful pearls. Factoring in personal preferences, Lisa, hopefully we'll continue to see the wide availability of all types.

JillM, looking forward to Gem Faire also! I'm impatiently waiting for the pearl shipment from Wen. John Tu still had a few fw at the last show.
Pattye, I'm looking forward to your order. If you're going to be hammering pearls, you should take vid. Would be fun if you vlogged your adventures in drilling too!
Today I noticed that Kongs Pearl on Etsy also uses the same term as Wen: freshwater akoya pearls.
So now I'm curious what do they look like in real life, Pattye?
I've heard the term "freshwater akoya" floating around for the past couple of years. I think it is a way some sellers have been marketing their freshwater higher quality pearls. There is no such thing of course, but I think they are referring to bead nucleated smaller (akoya sized) freshwater pearls. Kind of like the way Tiffany setting has been used (and rightfully challenged) to describe solitaire diamond settings.
Pattye, we can't be deprived of your photos! Want to try emailing me one or 2 or 3, and I'll see if I can resize and post for you?
LisaC your posts crack me up! And it seems the Hungry Pearlers are all waiting on more pics of everyone’s stash!

An interesting topic that’s for sure!
Good morning! We're all waiting Pattye!
Smash Time!!! ;)
Well ~ the file upload manager isn't working, so if Cathy can come to my rescue, we're in business! I have resized the photos, so it isn't that.
Thank you so much, Cathy!
Here's a look at the variations. The bead nucleus measures 4mm, however I can't tell what the material is. Nacre is at least 1mm thick. The smaller pearl was 6mm. I was so excited about the smashing I forgot to measure the other pearl! I do put them in a little baggie, otherwise the fragments go all over. They do not smash easily, either.
Oh yes, Camhatch, we may be quiet but we’re here, circling, eyeballing, hungry, longing for pearls, and more pearls.....
Even the "resized" photos Pattye sent me come up as HUGE files on Photoshop, so all I did was take them back into PS, size them a LOT smaller, and resave, then post as usual :)
Interesting! I'm wondering what the nucleus is made of.... I wish I could help with smashing the pearls LOL.