Tin cup - help pls!

Any suggestions for 2mm white gold chain? I couldn't find any at Rio and Bella Findings only has one option in stock. Does anyone know why WG options are so limited?? I don't know about the US but it's a very popular metal here.

Also has anyone worked with WG wire? Would you use hard, half hard or dead soft wire?
I use half hard white gold wire...but I find it appears more yellowish than white gold chain. I think this is because it isn't rhodium plated. Also, could it be the difficulty finding white gold chain is due to nickel limitations? Not sure on that, just guessing.
Love that garnet combo, amti! Beautiful.
Hanadama, the garnets were recycled from an old pearl bracelet. There were also 14k rondelles on it that I'm saving for another project.

I finally took a neck shot of the keshi, but again, it was at night, so I had to use a flash. First, the necklace was too short, now it is a bit too long. Maybe after rewiring, it will be just right (and this is why I don't use real gold wire). This chain is 1.5mm and was something I had at home and cut up. If I used 2mm it may have been too bulky, so the size of the pearls make a difference as to how thick of a chain may want to use. The keshi in the middle is 6mm wide and 8mm long. You might have extra chains at home that don't get much use that might work for your tin cups. 003.jpg
Jersey Pearl thanks for the information. Interesting that the WG wire may not be rhodium played. Is the difference very noticeable?

Amti, I love this necklace! And the 1.5mm chain works perfectly with those pearls. I think I need to rethink my chain, my sister has chosen some tiny Keshi for a bracelet and 2mm will probably be too thick.
Just finished my first tin cup! I used 2.2mm silver diamond Figaro chain and 8mm metallic freshwater keshi from Wen. In the other thread I mentioned that I prefer my Tahitian keshi but now that I've made this I can see how nice the pearls really are! The pearls are special in different ways.

It's just over 32" with 1.5" spacing. I have tons of pearls left but no chain. I think it will look better longer so will order more and extend to maybe 45".

This was my practice necklace but I can definitely see myself wearing it often.



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broach 022
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Very nice, and I hope you have caught the bug for making things yourself.

DK :)
Awwww, that turned out great! Love the little keshi. Making tin cups is sooooo addicting. I love to be able to have a piece made exactly how I want it.
You work is beautiful! I would not know that was a first project!!!

You may be already doing this, but be sure to save all your little scraps of ss (or any other precious metal) wire, chain, etc. I keep mine in a little baggie. You would be amazed how fast this adds up! You can send it to Rio Grande, or just sell it as scrap. Just don't throw it away!
Hanadama your tin cup turned out really well! It is lovely I bet you will wear it often.
Your pieces are lovely, Hanadama!!! Great work and you'd never know it was your first! Where did you get the figaro chain? I love figaros and am always looking for something new! Now that you've got the hang of it, isn't it fun and contagious? Can't wait to see what you'll do next! :)
Hanadama - you are an enabler! I just ordered my lot of keshis from Wen! I can't wait for them to arrive! I just need more time to finish all my projects! Jewelry DIY is really addicting! Or maybe this forum? ;)