Three different types, what are they?


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2023
Helllllo. This might be a rather long post, I’ve been putting it off for some time now and these pearls have been in storage waiting to be strung. Two of the the three I am going to show you I need an identification on. I have my own well formed, educated opinion and assumption, however I need confirmation, and I can’t think of a better group to ask…. That’s not going to cost me an arm and a leg….

So I will list photos in groups so the first strand will be first, second pearl type second, and the third one last.
Tons of photos for the first type because they are special. And I realllly don’t want them to go under looked. :)

The second pearl is about 9mm with very small drill holes, I purchased the No.1 silk for it some time back and am having durability issues with this diameter of silk.
The third pearl type is to show that I know what “old” freshwater pearls look like, and they look not a thing like pearl A
Thank you in advance.



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The first pearls are button-shape Chinese freshwater. The second appear to be akoya, and the third appear to be button Rice Krispie freshwaters.
Did you reaaaaally look at the first ones? They share characteristics with buttons but these are saltwater. How can I tell? The blemish. I’ll show you the larger ones once I’m done stringing but I do believe they are not akoya.
Yes, and they look like very common button-shape freshwaters. Typically we see these in half-drills and they're sold on large cards in rough matches like this. We used to carry them, but the value combined with the difficulty of matching the dome height and shape made carrying only rounds a better option for us.

The loose ones could be a mix. Some of the drill holes appear to have a separation line between the bead and nacre, indicating they are likely akoya.
Yes, and they look like very common button-shape freshwaters. Typically we see these in half-drills and they're sold on large cards in rough matches like this. We used to carry them, but the value combined with the difficulty of matching the dome height and shape made carrying rounds only a better option for us.

The loose ones could be a mix. Some of the drill holes appear to have a separation line between the bead and nacre, indicating they are likely akoya.
Button shape pearls when freshwater lack inclusions, these have inclusions of a saltwater pearl. Explain, please
1These may be pearls from a decade or more ago, when freshwater button pearls were more common and often did get made into necklaces. Jeremy is totally correct. Now they are usually seen as half drilled or undrilled to go for earrings as pairs or they do make an easier-to-set as it is a 'cabochon' for a ring or similar.
2 yes, probably akoya based on the drill hole size
3 even earlier fw buttons.
If you think that 1 is akoya, explain the shape viz the round nucleus?
Buttons that don't have flaws aren't typically sorted for pairs. Sometimes we see them though, especially in the larger sizes. The flattened side is the clear indication that they grew against the shell and not in a gonad.
Alright I believe you… I just haven’t seen button pearls that were knotted like that so it kinda threw me off… someone had showed me natural pearls that looked like this previously but I couldn’t find the article.
Maybe I’m not remembering properly.

The second ones I thought they might be South Sea due to blemish. But even if Akoya I am happy. I love Akoya pearls.
I just want to be sure and advertise them properly.
I will send you another pic to be sure once strung.
Thank you so much for your time and expertise, it is appreciated

Also I am hardheaded and don’t believe everything immediately so thank you for taking the time to help me understand.
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