This isn't deep gold, is it?

anyone got a pair of gem 22K SSPs they'd care to post...... :-)

anyone got a strand of gem 22K SSPs to post...... :-) :-)

well, I thought I'd ask....... :-) :-) :-)
It says only a single deep inclusion is allowable. If that's the case, shouldn't they drill on the inclusion?

Yes, please post your deep gold SSPs! There aren't a lot of photos of gold SSPs on this forum.
Earshots... bathroom and natural lighting.


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yes, ideally they should drill out the inclusion, unless it is larger than the drill hole or the cap - with the design of your loops there is no cap which would make it harder to conceal, so to have the remains of an inclusion showing where the single gold pin enters the pearl would not be so good, as it would likely show, as the pearls hang. An alternative with this design would be to hide the inclusion at the back, as the pearls hang, so you would never see it when the pearls are worn

re your photos, probably the veritical shot was taken in 'landscape', so you would need to rotate it one quarter turn clockwise on your PC, prior to posting, for it to show as 'portrait'

but Syd, your pearls and earrings look absolutely stunning - definitely one of a kind - the design is amazing

have you contacted the vendor to ask their views on the quality, colour, and setting of the pearls - that might be a start to helping you feel more satisfied, or on making the heart wrenching decison to return them ?
I just contacted the vendor. Let's see what their response is...
Those pearls are gorgeous - very lustrous and a good gold shade. The big loops make them extremely versatile - a great choice on your part. Your expectations are pretty high for an organic gem. I think you'll grow happier with them as you see them more and get used to the little variations. Great taste! :)
Very nice pearls Syd.
As discussed by others, pearl sales by photo is a very difficult way of doing business.
Especially when you desire a specific shade. As PearlDreams pointed out "their is no standardised grading system" either.
Even though our Farm is dependent on internet sales, I personaly recommend buying face to face with pearls. Pearls are not an every day purchase for most people so I recommend planning your purchase with travel plans so you can be "hands on".
The main point I see in this yarn Syd is, if you are unhappy with the blemish, send them back. You are the buyer, it should be your call.
Good on ya for supporting the South Sea Pearl Industry.
Alex, those are gorgeous! This forum is going to be bad news for my bank balance... I'm already thinking of white SSP charms for the earrings :)
This forum is going to be bad news for my bank balance...

:D That's what happens to all of us. We start up with a simple question or a desire to learn - and end up broke but happy...

- Karin
That's what happens to all of us. We start up with a simple question or a desire to learn - and end up broke but happy...

I'm in that club!
And, I want to add my admiration of the GSS earrings. They're Luscious.
Also, if I may add my small experience with GSS pearls: I bought a strand (with reputable antecedents) on ebay, and when they arrived, I was disappointed with the flaws. I learned here that is to be expected (in my price range) and so I gave them a few wearings anyway just to try 'em out. People couldn't keep their eyes off them. I learned to love them fast, and accept the flaws as part of their nature, and as visible assurance of their authenticity.

May I ask about the shipping experience you had. I also live in Canada and would like to know about shipping pearls from the US (Taxes, duty, cost of shipping and cost of returns). Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the responses! I was really hoping for a deeper colour, but I don't think I will return them. For one they were custom, so not sure I can, and secondly I live in Canada so its a pain to ship back to the US. :(
Hi Artpearl, the items were received very quickly and the shipping costs are shown when you purchase the item. I ended up paying about 15% of the cost of the item in duties. The item came to my door and the duty was charged to the same credit card that I used to purchase the pearls.
I am a bit late to this party, but I have been told by a couple of vendors that in their experience golden SS with "deep gold" tend to have less luster than light and medium gold pearls--more of a satin finish than glossy. This isn't always the case, but there is a significant premium for "deep gold" with high luster. Anyway, that's what I have been told, but it could be old wive's tales. Perhaps our experts can chime in. In any case Syd, those pearls may not be the exact color you were hoping for, but they are really quite lovely.

When I think deep gold, this is what I have in mind (drooling):

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Wow, my eyes just popped out of my head! What an insanely gorgeous strand and earrings!