Third time is the charm!


Community member
Jan 16, 2017
I wanted to lengthened this necklace and after getting inspired by all the talented people in this forum, I felt confident enough to give it a try! So I went ahead and purchased a kit from Pattye’s Etsy store, and yesterday night I started my project!
After having broken two needles, two threads and having one needle disappeared out of thin air, I gave it a rest till this morning and like the saying goes, third time is the charm! This time I got it right! I just have to run to the store to get glue to keep the knot in place! I feel accomplished!!

Here’s the start and the almost finished necklace minus the glue!!
I'm waiting to see it on you! :D
Thank you katkashmir!

I have a question for the stringing pros!...
I knotted three times in between these pearls. I was wondering how many knots do you do usually do for pearls in this size 12-14mm??
Three times? I'm just about to restring pearls and the video I watched just knotted once. She was doing small pearls, though. It does make sense when I think about it to make bigger knots for big pearls. Glad I saw this!
Whatever you did, it looks great. What thickness of thread did you use?

With pearls that size I'd probably want to use the heavy thread, or if the drill hole didn't accommodate 4 strands of that (in the end pearls, when doubling back) I'd use the regular size thread and make a double knot in between (not 2 knots in a row, but rather by passing the thread through the loop twice before tightening it.)

I've never had to use a tripled knot yet.
Thank you for your feedback Pearl Dreams!
I used #30 medium but I feel that I may need to restring it again just to be sure it won’t snap! Specially that the clasp is magnetic and it pulls when you need to open it!

Is the #20 heavy thread best or is there a synthetic thread that will work better?
The #20 heavy thread is great!

However, I would not worry about the #30 thread you used snapping. It is strong enough, and don't forget it's doubled. That thread is used for sewing parachutes and automotive air bags.

I believe it would take about 25 lb. of force to break that #30 thread, doubled as it is (v.s about 40 lb. for the #20 thread.)
Pattye, does that match your information about the thread?
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The #20 heavy thread is great!

However, I would not worry about the #30 thread you used snapping. It is strong enough, and don't forget it's doubled. That thread is used for sewing parachutes and automotive air bags.

I believe it would take about 25 lb. of force to break that #30 thread, doubled as it is (v.s about 40 lb. for the #20 thread.)
Pattye, does that match your information about the thread?
Lilpearl, OH MY you look amazing! Truly pearls after my own heart (love the rings)! And great job on the knotting!

Yes, thank you, Pearl Dreams! With the larger (and so heavier) pearls, one doesn't always know the size drill holes. Here's a "hack" I've been using lately when I have "tested" and know the drill holes are too large for 2-strands of #30. Take a single thread, the same length as the double thread being used; run it completely through each pearl. One will then be working with 3 threads as you knot. It can be a little fiddley getting started. Take time to pull each thread after each knot. The single thread is just left dangling out the end pearl and cut or burned off at the finish, not put through the gimp/clasp section.
OR use #20, making sure it can double back ~
OR use double strands of #40, also making sure it will double back to start and finish as shown in Pearl Dreams awesome tutorial.
I prefer to never ream out end pearls to make thread fit; I don't ream with contract work nor my own strands. Most of us rearrange our pearls (Charlotta, right?) and prefer consistent hole sizes, as much as possible. I'm curious if others have strong feelings about this.
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You did great job. The necklace looks fantastic on you! Your pendant necklace is gorgeous, too - is it another piece of your work?