The Time Has Come for Men in Pearls


Sep 20, 2006
I do hope you will enjoy our new article with contributions from our members!

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I think men look fine in pearls. I would just be afraid they would be too hard on them. I don't wear pearl rings or bracelets because I'm forever banging my hands on walls as I go around corners.

I love a man in pearl cufflinks, though.
Love the article Blaire ... and Thanks! to our PG men in pearls models :) Definitely trending upward too ... yesterday, in a TINY lighthouse museum shop at the cutest equally tiny lighthouse in MD, there was a shelf of "pirates" merchandise for children: books, tiny treasure chests, star charts, treasure maps AND ... the Pirate version of a Pick-A-Pearl kit. Tiny can with tiny mussel, a little book, pirate treasure graphics on the package, and a little necklace for the pearl ... the cage was a skeleton skull and crossbones design LOL. I resisted getting one for grandson ... barely :)
Who could resist pirate booty when it comes with pearls? I hope more people read the article this time because it has our men's pearls. :)
I think men in full strand choker or long ropes look sexy. Here is one of my favorite men in pearls look
I haven't left Maryland yet LOL! And I love men in pearls :)
Those are some great examples. Thanks for the article, Blaire.
great piece Blaire! I think slowly we're seeing it more and more as acceptable.

That said, while pearls are becoming more acceptable I think we're seeing a trend of men wearing less jewelry in general. But I this comes and goes.
Jacques had some special leather cord on his site about 10 days ago +/-, but I haven't tried it.
Interesting timing; I ran into a fellow wearing a single smaller (maybe 5-6mm?) pearl stud today
Mmmm, that pirate-pick-a-pearl, pretty clever idea! Not sure I could walk away either, lol. Yes, I enjoy seeing men in pearls; it says something about their individuality and confidence for sure. Both my sons are very traditional, though the 2 Grandsons have shown an appreciation for masculine jewelry, but not pearls yet.

Great article, Blaire! Was hoping to see Steve Metzler's natural abalone and pipi lapel pin included. If it turns up I'll post it.
Whenever my husband dresses up, he wears a Kamoka pearl on leather necklace, special order to get a larger pearl. It's quite nice.
I love this article I hope there continues to be a shift in what is considered "Men's" jewelry. I'm biased admittedly and many things I own are very non traditional (Pearl Spider tie tags, or black metal and black pearls). I wish more guys were secure enough in themselves to wear what pleases them not others….there should be no "Rules" when it comes to jewelry, though I know I am in the minority with that.

One thing that pushed me to seek the unusual, well it was every website, every jewelry store has tons of cuff links, tie tacks and tie bars, its overkill. Not every guy wears cuff links everyday…so I wanted to find things I would not see else where. Pearls are not a common jewelry item for guys, and its a shame because there is more to life than pearl cuff links and tie tacks…but hey that's just me.

Lars is a new source of inspiration…there is not a "Rocker" vibe about me, but his look is edgy and confident!
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It was cute, Pattye ... if only I could make my own kit, with a real mussel vacuum sealed etc for grandson as opposed to pick-a-pearl :) Hubby Walter hasn't agreed to wear a pearl either ... YET. I bet if it was designed into one of his beloved bolo ties he'd wear it ...
Great article! Can't help it, but i just keep thinking of Pirates of the Caribbean...:-P
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