The Reputable Sources Thread

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I thought it would be a nice idea to have a thread listing known reputable sources of pearl jewelry, pearls, etc.

I had in mind that people could post specific names of businesses/individuals and others could comment/vouch for them. Individuals viewing this thread can decide for themselves whether or not they trust the posted comments; Although in my opinion it is obvious who the most trustworthy members of this forum are.

Of course, my ulterior motive is that I'm trying to find out whether a particular store is reputable or not. However, I thought it would be beneficial to the community to present the thread in this way. Anyway, without further rambling I'll post the first business:

Legend Blue
Anyone ever heard of them?
I would easily recommend nearly any retailer that posts on this forum. None of them are afraid to defend their views and hence, have nothing to hide.
Regarding Legend Blue, this is one of the only Sites in the Internet that I really have no comment one way or the other. This Site has been around for a year or two, and has pretty much flown under the radar. I have not seen their products, and I do not know who is behind the Site. I have not even heard anything about their products yet to date. They occassionally advertise, but it comes in spurts. Except for this I have not seen them on the search engines or read any news on the company. Also, we have had customer pearl comparisons with nearly all companies online, but have never even had a question about them yet.

BTW, this does not mean there is anything wrong with them! I just truly do not know.
Legend Blue has been around for a long time but I never hear anything about them either. I had all but forgotten about them until you posted with a link. I think if they were bad or selling total garbage I would have heard about it by now, but like Jeremy I have never seen their products so its unfair to comment.

If they have a good return policy, go ahead and order from them and come back and write up a report card on the company for us.
I spent a few minutes looking at their site today. They have a 30 day return policy.

They have mostly CFWP necklaces in mass produced, inexpensive, "fashion" designs - I do not think they are serious about high quality pearls at all- except CFWP, but they seem a legitimate company, if you should like one of their products. No Tahitian strands but they do have Tahitian earrings.

They have nothing biographical or "about us" etc. on the site. I like to read that secton and will often choose a dealer because I like their biography. To see what I mean, check out Jeremy Shepherd's bio on the PP site. It is a winner. It sold me on Jeremy when I was looking for pearls and furthermore, I think it was helpful to choose on that basis.

My guess is they are selling Chinese manufactured goods.
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It looks to me like this company's strong point is creative design. Their earrings are adorable with one of the broadest selections I have seen so far. Pendants and rings are all available to match. The necklaces and bracelets are more an afterthought to their highly creative use of pearls in metal jewelry. As soon as I run out of things to spend money on, I will definitely give them a shot. That froggy and pearl pendant is just waiting for me.


Is this thread meant to discuss retailers only? What about suppliers? I would be interested in opinions about Katsuyama Pearl Co. Thanks.

I have personally never heard of Katsuyama, and they are not a member of the Pearl Exporters Association of Japan. Are the small, or possibly traders?
jshepherd said:
I have personally never heard of Katsuyama, and they are not a member of the Pearl Exporters Association of Japan. Are the small, or possibly traders?

I had forgotten where this thread was! Anyway, from what I recall, this company was a supplier of pearls to Canadian jewellers/retailers.


I did finally find some reference to the company Katsuyama. I had not heard of them because I believe they are a local, Canadian supplier. The name made me think they were out of Japan. You should check to see who they supply locally or make an appointment to view their goods. I would not know if their prices/quality are good.
Inexpensive pearls to get started

Inexpensive pearls to get started

I'm recently hooked on making my own jewelry and am wanting to make some pearl items. I don't want to spend a lot of money, I'd rather save the big bucks for pieces that are really high quality and made by an expert! I've seen relatively inexpensive pearls for sale (~$10-$20 per strand) on ebay by Hackberry Creek and Rocks N Rocks. I also see them for sale from the main beading supplier I use, Auntie's Beads. I don't mind that they are dyed (I'm sure some of you experts are aghast). I just want to make some interesting fashionable jewelry as a hobby. If any of you have info about any of these suppliers, I'd love to hear it. Also, if you can recommend any other suppliers in that same price range, I'd love the feedback.

P.S. I've checked out the web sites of several of the experts on this site and look forward to the day I can afford some of their beautiful creations.

Hi Newbie
Glad you are hooked on making your own. Welcome here, where there are several of us.

At your level, the sources you mentioned are probably fine. there are so many on eBay, I lost track years ago. I have used several of them though. The prices on eBay are not that different than in the local bead stores, so buy what you like and have fun. We have at least one eBay seller who is a member here- Integrity pearls-

Look for a bead show near you when you get ready to buy at less than retail.

Feel free to share pictures here too and comment on what you like, sellers you found that you like, etc.:)
Hi PearlNewbie,
Depending on where you are from, you may find some great deals in your local beading stores. You can also google beading freshwater pearls and come up with many businesses who sell these strands at a bargain.


Thanks for the responses and great info. Thanks also for the ebay seller name; I'll definitely check them out!

So glad I stumbled across this site.