The Pearl Doctor

Is the akoya pearl not undergoing about the same chemical treatment as the freshwater pearl? I was under the impression that the quality of the freshwater pearl improved also due to the information the Chinese were able to gather about the Japanese methods and successfully apply those by themselves.
Hi Joan,

I can't speak to your strung piece since I have not seen it, but I can tell you that I have not had any discoloring of undyed silk threads when using a freshly-mixed solution of The Pearl Doctor in a clean container to clean my newer pearl jewelry.

It's important to use the dropper provided, and to follow the product directions for mixing and using The Pearl Doctor -- you do want to be sure you have the solution mixed in the correct proportions. I find that lukewarm or cool (not cold) water works best (and probably is safest for your jewelry).

Also, I would not save the used solution to use on another day -- it's important to start fresh with a clean solution and container for each piece you clean. I thoroughly rinse the container and dropper in lukewarm water after each use (and each piece).

In addition, I have found that The Pearl Doctor works beautifully and safely to clean and brighten pearls, pearls with diamonds, pearls with cubic zirconia, pearls with sterling, gold, or platinum, and untreated mother-of-pearl shell strung on white stretch thread.

If your piece is older, heavily-soiled, or has silk string that is showing signs of wear, you may wish to consult in person with a jeweler who has extensive knowledge of all kinds of pearl jewelry, and long experience cleaning them.

You also can send email to the folks at The Pearl Doctor, as they have tested the product extensively.

Incidentally, I just passed on to my niece an antique, heirloom piece (created circa 1900) that is set with several natural pearls. The estate jeweler who examined the item with me told me not to clean this kind of piece with any cleanser, or allow any jeweler to clean it, as it is just too delicate.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,

Johanna Lolax, BA, MA
GIA Pearls Diplomate
I think Callire's freshadama was bought off ebay, not brand new from PP. Someone received it as a gift but did not want it. I am not sure if it's been worn prior to being sold. If memory serves, she wrote about it somewhere on the forum.
I have worn my freshadamas intensely. I got a couple of the very first ones. They are, if anything, better than when new. They get the shiniest when I leave them on 24/7 for several weeks at a time.

This is a part of my experimentation with how durable freshwaters are. I think they really like wearing and showers.

I do not wear the freshies when I am going to get sweaty- and take them off if I do, but I did wear a highly lustrous wrinkled pearl bracelet for a year, sweat and all, to no ill effect. It was a power pro stretch test, but the pearls just kept getting more shiny.

Edited to say: I would not do this with any kind of bead nuked pearl. I am fooling around with cultured freshwater pearls.
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So, Caitlin - you shampooed and soaped right over them and they suffered no ill effects? I am always paranoid about getting anything on the pearls - I take my bracelets off when I wash my hands, etc. Am I overreacting?

Also, I envy those of you who can sleep in necklaces and not a) practically choke yourselves to death in your sleep and b) wake up to a tangled snarl of hair and pearls. My hair knots up in my necklaces even when they are sitting sedately on my neck :rolleyes:
Boo, I am a little paranoid about washing my hands too. I push the bracelet up high when washing my hands at work. I carefully take my necklaces off and wipe down with damp cloth. My husband usually sleeps with his pearls on leather cords.
Hi Boo
Yes. and dish water too. The bracelet was a powerpro test, so I used cheap but pretty pearls, so that what happened to the pearls wouldn't matter, yet I wouldn't mind wearing it.

The surprise part of the experiment was how unaffected the pearls were by daily exposure to a range of human products and sunshine. They seemed to be shinier at the end than at the beginning. My conclusion is they love the water, which in AZ is very alkaline.

What I am learning about the CFWP's is that they are tough, hard to scratch. Banging them around doesn't affect them at all. CFWP grew to their present sizes in fairly dirty water which they lived in for a long time. Lots even grew up in chemically touched waters. Chinese cultured freshwater pearls are cheap, plentiful, durable forgiving pearls IMO. So the things they are exposed to in a human life are of no consequence-- except acid environmental contacts which need to be washed off. Pearls are basic by nature.

Yea for back to basics!
Thanks for posting this, Caitlin. So many people are afraid to invest in pearls because they think they'll break under even normal wear.
Johanna and Terry,

Are you able to purchase the Pearl Doctor solution in larger than 2 oz size? I have lots of pearls to wash, both finished strands and unfinished--a month ago I contacted them via their website and asked about a larger size bottle, Cristina replied that she would get back to me, but never has. I will email her again tonight. I would think wholesale accounts would be good to pursue and offer at least 8 oz bottle??????
I'll bug John and Cristina about that pattye. I know they do larger quantities for us so we can wash strands before restringing them for customers.
I'm bumping this thread up because I find it interesting. The link no longer works. Is this product still on the market, and do you all still love it? Could you link it if you love it? Thank you!
I don't think it's still on the market, no. I still have more than half my bottle and use it infrequently.

Really you don't need a special pearl cleaner. What works just as well is some mild soap (like Dr. Bronner's liquid unscented soap) and bottled water for washing and rinsing, if your tap water is chlorinated or hard/mineral rich. I have also used baby wash, which is very mild.

I want to add that the little moist towelettes that come with pearls purchased from Pearl Paradise are also very good for pearl cleaning.
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Thanks PD. I don't think my pearls are soiled but thought I'd give it a try, just to check it out. I guess I will apply that to my pearl account. :)