The Most Valuable Tahitian Color or Overtone

I took a picture of my bluish pearls but did not give a quality image because of the ambient light so I'll have to correct with Photoshop and that's exactly what I don't want to do. It won't be accurate to what eyes see. I'll try to bring to a friend's studio later.
The peacock color is the most popular. It always does a "wow" effect because of the shade colors "green on the edge, purple, pink in the center", peacock is an uncommon color that's why they are very sought after.
Comparing with the bluish ones, blue is more a personal preference. According to a friend who sold a blue Tahitian pearl necklace for $20000, he told me that bluish pearls are rare and when some lose pearls are available on the market, they are sold in a short time, so he has to put it away in order to make a pearl necklace. Only connoisseurs know these pearls. He also explains that it gives a nicer look when wearing on European ladies (white skins), pearls are dark and contrast make them more noticeable than peacocks, which is beautiful too.

@pearlescence, I'm curious to see the HK mid blue you saw because mines are darker, nothing comes close to the forum background.
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TAS blue body T's.jpg
I collected a bag of dark blue Tahitians once. Newberry from this forum made a necklace of them a year or so ago. You don't come across them very often.

I love my blue pearl necklace and am just thrilled to have it. I will treasure it always.