The Most Incredible Akoya Pearls I Have Ever Seen

Just for reference purposes, here is a comparison with the strand from the first post and a strand of 8.5-9.0mm (the original strand is slightly smaller at 8.0-8.5mm) Hanadama pearls from a trusted vendor. I won't name the vendor because this isn't really a "versus" comparison, but rather just to give people a reference.

Make no mistake - the Hanadama pearls are still very rare and beautiful, but with these comparison photos it does go to show that the pearls I had the pleasure to share in my OP are without a doubt something above and beyond special - I have to think very few of these types of strands exist.

The Hanadama pearls are significantly whiter as opposed to a slightly pink tone of the other pearls, so don't pay so much attention to the color as just the luster and skin.



Perhaps even more telling, just for reference here is a comparison next to the Mikimoto AAA earring pearl -- and as we all know earring pearls are generally a higher grade than can be found in a strand. Crazy stuff

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Wow, Andrew thank you for posting this. I can’t believe how my heart rate kicked up. They’re magnificent.
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The lustre on those is just incredible. Absolutely amazing. It's interesting that next to the Miki , the lustre looks sharper but the Miki surface looks tighter . But there is absolutely no doubt about the quality. I remember your post when you bought the Hanadama and I thought, wow that's nice lustre....but this is way beyond. Lisa nailed it "magnificent"
I would be surprised if they were certified. Many companies don't certify as there is such a range of quality within each grade. A Tennyo isn't a Tennyo isn't a Tennyo . I have no doubt that they are all very pretty but they are not all equal.

I've seen Hanadama with the proper grading certification from the Japanese Lab and they were a fraction of what I was expecting and other Akoya strands that were remarkable looking that had no certification as the company felt the grading was just an advertising gimmick.
The pearls are officially on their way to Pattye! Loupes at the ready, she very kindly told me she will take some in progress photos of stringing and share thoughts. :)
I am sooooo looking forward to seeing pics!!! This is truly the definition of magnificent!
What a treat! Can't wait to hear about the thickness and see the progress. :)
Cringe-worthy question - revealing my ignorance for sure - we’re sure there’s no new surface treatment about to stun us speechless?

(hiding in my desk’s knee-hole, waiting for embarrassing fallout to pass)
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Cringe-worthy question - revealing my ignorance for sure - we’re sure there’s no new surface treatment about to stun us speechless?

It's a reasonable question. Luster treatment is done on freshwater pearls to tighten the skin and sharpen the luster, but I have never heard of anything like that being done on akoyas.
I think that must just be a super high end gem strand. Stunning!

A friend of mine had a gem akoya strand, 4mm, given to her by her husband-to-be many years ago. It lit up the room. I've never seen better luster in person.
Cringe-worthy question - revealing my ignorance for sure - we’re sure there’s no new surface treatment about to stun us speechless?

(hiding in my desk’s knee-hole, waiting for embarrassing fallout to pass)

No need to hide under your desk.. :)

I'm quite confident that there's no unusual surface treatment here, but I suppose we shall also hear from Pattye who is more of an expert than I am! I, too, have never heard of an Akoya pearl being treated.

Speaking of, I got good news that Pattye received the pearls today! That was more nervous than I'd been about something in the mail for awhile. :eek: She told me that she's going to think about some thread and get to stringing likely tomorrow.

Hope she'll be able to report back soon about her impressions, etc. (especially that nacre thickness estimate) for all of us curious folks here. I know I'm intrigued!
Nothing exciting to report as far as clasps go I'm afraid - wish I had found something cooler, but there wasn't anything within budget that really caught my eye. Instead, just went with a white gold medium sized orbit style clasp, as its generic and functional enough for the time being and if I find something better in the future or before the final project stuff gets going, it's not hard to have changed out.
These are truly remarkable pearls, and I’m looking forward to Pattye’s observations and seeing the final product, because they are so very special.
Strangely, though, I don’t covet them at all - they are somehow just too shiny and too perfect. I think baroque Tahitians, with their wonderful quirks of lighting and variety of shapes and overtones, are my true pearl love - how fortunate for my pearl budget!