The little things in life....

Those keshi are just perfection. I really have to get some nice ones like those.
Will do! My sister has requested a triple keshi tin cup bracelet for her birthday so I'll let her take her pick.

Not sure about the others! I've also ordered some larger AA+ keshi, peacock circled & multi circled pearls so I'll play around with them to see what works. I'd love to make a tin cup necklace for myself!
Here they are! A quick snap from the office.

Awww, thanks...this was a bit of an experiment. Wasn't sure if I'd really like a keshi tin cup.

Congratulations on your necklace. It's lovely. Keshis on tin cup are always nice, IMO.
Well, I think it's just lovely ... but then I'm known to be a bit biased where keshi are concerned LOL ...