The " If only" thread...

Pearl_dreams said:
Wow. Sad.

The Strack book looks really interesting-- if I hadn't just spent so much on a certain private offer I'd be buying a copy right now! :p That purchase will need to wait a few months, I think!

I know what you mean. That Strack book has had to wait for me too. Buying pearls has always won out.

Well, to get back to the IF ONLYS--

1. Multi-color tahitians, keishi necklace both from Josh
with earrings and bracelets to match, why not??!!

2. Sea of Cortez mabe ring

3. THAT Huge keishi from Dr. Tom to make a pendant
Yes, I adore the 3 lovely ones I got and will
photograph them shortly.

4. All the lovely strands of pearls in my "stash" made
into wearable jewelry!! ;)

so many pearls, so little time
I must say that as long as I can remember, I've had a terrible materialistic hankering for this item---the Thurn diadem. It's not too big, not too small, just the right size for wearing to friends' tea and crumpet parties. I think I could even get away with wearing it with a pair of jeans.

That specific tiara is one of my absolute favorites as well Slarep!!! YUMMY!!!!

and Kevein as far as the Lop Noors... :p;) ypou tease.. ;)

Oh, how could I forget to mention that that diadem is fabulous! Okay, to add to list of pearly tiaras, how about the Cambridge Lover's Knot? :)

Bavarian version of the Lover's Knot. Yes, I lust after this one too. You'll have to fight me for it! I think Ash might want it also. There's going to be some hair pulling!


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The Vladimir tiara with the original pearl design. The pearls can swing around! Needless to say, I want it, I want it!!


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This is the one you mean, Perle? Diana's Cambridge Lover's Knot.
No need to ask. Yes I want it.


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I'm sorry. I can't see anyone wearing that other than Diana. It was her signature piece. Some signature, huh?
knotty panda said:
I'm sorry. I can't see anyone wearing that other than Diana. It was her signature piece. Some signature, huh?

Knotty, Diana's tiara was given to her on her marriage in 1981. It originally belonged to Queen Mary, who had it made in 1913. It has also been worn by Queen Elizabeth. Just imagine the name "Danuta" instead of "Diana", the next time you think of it.

There have been many versions of the Lover's Knot tiara(at least four). It's quite confusing.

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Just imagine the name "Danuta" instead of "Diana", the next time you think of it.
As an occasional pearl wearer myself, I was about to make a smart comment about head scratching for proper appreciation. Then I saw Diana juxtaposed with the other blue-veined 'props' and discovered how beautiful SHE really was. I am convinced her blood was red.


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