The Hunt for the Pearl of Lao Tzu!


PG Forum Admin
Aug 26, 2005
Pearls always have an interesting story to share. Some -like La Peregrina- have an amazing history behind them, and others have a story shrouded in time, mystery and deceit! This is the case of the "Pearl of LaoTzu " that is said to have been cultured by Lao Tzu himself inside a#Giant Clam (Tridacna giga ) and was even to be given as a gift to Saddam Hussein by Osama Bin Laden
FakeNews are not new! But this full-fledged story makes for a fun and interesting read in Pearldom

Sorry for the typo on the's HUNT not Hiunt
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That was a long read of one deception after another. I wonder how people like that can live with themselves. It reminds me a bit about the recent video I saw about how the diamond was marketed and how their advertising changed people's perspective on engagement rings.