The Green Pearl Activists!

Dear distinguished Caithlin,
You're welcome. Thank Jacob Aud from Western Quality Services for sharing it with us.
Dear Josh,
We believe that you have been setting a good example of sustainable and friendly environmental aquaculture. May Jehovah God bless your great efforts.
I have and it is very well made and gets one to think about a lot of "stuff".
Just watched the video. An excellent explanation of how we got into this mess - pun intended. We did such a good job of creating the consumer society envisioned after WWII that today 70% of US economic activity is based consumer spending. Huge. Unsustainable. As we all learned on September 29, 2008, the day we crashed into the Great Recession.

No jobs + no money + no credit = no economy

As a new pearl jewelry online retailer, I have seen my average sale drop from $100 in late August of 2008, to $20 in October of 2009, despite excellent media coverage of my company, in person and email outreach to qualified buyers, social networking, and website optimization. Consumers of all ages report to me job loss, cash loss, credit loss, all translating into no consumption, even on necessities.

As a purveyor of consumer goods, I have found that a few wealthy consumers now sustain my business, as there certainly are no bailout or other grants available for new small businesses.

It will take some real creativity to get out of this mess. Looking forward to New Economy jobs for folks who who are not engineers. Looks like it may be up to the concerned entrepreneurs of the world to create new ways of living. Much applause to Kamoka Pearls for demonstrating a sustainable business model.