The Graduation Pearl


New Member
Jun 4, 2007
Several weeks ago I posted about what kind of pearl to give my childhood friend's daughter for graduation. I got lots of good suggestions and good ideas.

I finally settled on a baroque Tahitian on a silk cord.

Here is the excerpt from her mother's email and a picture.

"Morning Ms. Patrica Ann.....WOW!!!!!!!!!!....beautiful graduation gift...but more than just the beautiful pearl...... it's the thought.....BUT...I have to tell you this/my lovely story of graduation gifts.....
Sarah has been receiving the congratulations cards daily, all including the appropriate/non-thought-needed $100 bill...NOW, I mean no disrespect for these very graciously given hundred dollar bills and Sarah...a very appreciative young woman writes the required thank you note and adds the bills to her collection to later procure over-priced photo/film-making equip/ fact last evening as John Cone came in with the mail there were 3 such cards/bills...AND....then an actual gift!!!!....
Oh actual package to unwrap...her eyes were as wide as I remember from her 3 year old Christmas.....and
as she saw this lovely gift she beamed that genuine surprise grin only grinned from the "oh so young" would have thought she was unwrapping the hope diamond......"

Then another one:
"Graduation was wonderful...
She had asked me several weeks ago if she could wear my wedding pearls w/her graduation gown..BUT...after the arrival of the "Tahitian Black Pearl".. me and my old pearls were voted off the island!!!!....I believe she has said the word "Tahitian" more in the last week than ever before in her entire life!!!!!!!"

Richipat - how lovely to have your gift so wonderfully appreciated. It is a lovely pearl, but the story makes it even nicer!
Beautiful story, pearl, and young lady. (I should be shot for suggesting a belly ring.)
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What a great story! Thank you for sharing and Go You on putting so much thought and care into the gift. She looks to be glowing in that photo.
Thanks for this update.
What a fantastic outcome to a generous thought.
A wonderful gift, so perfect with the cap and gown too, and for many years after!
She is a special young lady!

so many pearls, so little time
I agree with what all the other members say and like to add that maybe there is a future pearl lover who is becoming a PG-member as well. Thanks for sharing.
Everyone wants the "perfect" Graduation, or Wedding, or whatever the special day is. You have provided it! She will never forget this, you can see it in her eyes. The graduation day with pearls she wanted was even better than she could have imagined.
Friends are a tremendous gift. Friends with pearls are even better.
Great job!
Thanks guys -- I just love the story of her mother's pearls being voted off the island.
I really appreciate everyone's suggestions -- I think we scored big on this one.

The necklace came from PP and unformatunately the pic does not do it justice. It is actually very pretty with a nice greenish copperl;y overtone.

Yep -- a future pearl lover in th making -- she was VERY excited when I sent her the link to Josh's site. Surfing people, things, and lifestyle very in with the new college age group.

Thanks again for everyone's help.