The designer's corner

cyndaco - What a fun project! I really love your harvest strands! The colors are dreamy together. Have fun wearing it!
Swarovski earrings.jpgWorking with Beads, Swarovski and Tahitian Pearls, slowly improving my Eyepins (one always comes out wonky) and wrapping technique ;)
Brenda, how wonderful to get Tahitian pairs that match so well! :-)
Brenda, are you making pendants to go with the earrings?

Thanks, Pkinnew and SunSeeker. Here's today's work in progress. Metallic fireballs (crazy overtones!) with aquamarine-opal spacers and a souffl? pendant.

Thanks, JerseyPearl. I discovered it, literally by accident.

I originally had them pointing upward on a beading wire. Then the whole thing slipped through my fingers. Can you believe it, every pearl fell off the wire and bounced all over the floor.

As I returned them one by one to the beading board, some pointed downward, and I took the hint. :o
cyndayco -- I LOVE this design. Metallic fireballs and souffles -- I'm there!!! And lovely mermaid colors.
Such pretty fireballs ! Can sympathise with the dropping of pearls...I have dropped a bracelet twice today that I was making for someone... pearls and topaz everywhere....had it on a little bead stopper...showed the client the bracelet...she dropped it...stuff all over the caf? floor lol. But when I put them back together I changed it...and I like it more ! Maybe the key is dropping things ...

Very pretty design !

This is a piece I did for a friend who needed a thank you gift...she gave me two days to come up with something . Mings in a sort of "harvest " style 38" rope. Little ones are 12.3 - 13.5 , mid size 14-17mm and 6 that are from 22 -24mm. I used Pattye's Beaders Secret Shell colour thread. Used her technique for large pearls thread running through them am then a double through to knot as normal. Shell is a lovely pale pale pink that just blends in with the multi coloured looks quite pink on the card but it's not PINK when knotted.

They are now cruising around Tahiti on a 167ft super yacht ..having fun no doubt !

Hope the picture comes through !
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Just realized I've missed some lovely designs from you, Cyndayco~the mixed color fw strands~I'd wear them in a heartbeat! I mostly wear solid colors, so they would bring a lot of interest. The fireball/aqua is so creative, too! LOVE!

Brenda, your Tahitian earrings with the Swarovski medallions look so festive! At first I thought I wouldn't care for Swarovski, but after working with them and seeing their sparkle and quality, find them extremely complimentary to pearls and use them often.
Thanks Pattye -��. .. that thread was a lifesaver. I thought I was out of everything except my 50 shades of grey lol So I fought with some old white silk I had ... snapped half way through..started over..too hard to knot. Then I found a lone little pack of Shell..... SAVED! That stuff knots like a dream ! In fact I'm going to order some now !
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Okay, designers ... can I ask advice? I have finally (after 5 tries with my BAD hands) successfully knotted my new pearl bracelet, thanks to Pattye and Beaders Secret thread! Is it perfect ... probably NOT :) Here's my question though: in taking my bracelet apart to re-do 5 times, I have a loose pearl with a thread stuck inside now, and can't get at it to get it out. There may be a knot in there too, and now no visible thread to grab. It's not a valuable pearl, just a pretty FW pearl I'd like to use on a second bracelet. I've tried pushing a needle through etc. to no avail. Is there a way to soak the pearl to dissolve the thread etc., short of drilling it out? I do not have a drill. Shall I just give up? Thanks in advance ...
Sorry Cathy, I fiddle around with a needle for a bit trying to coax it out but then get out the drill. By the time I'm done with the needle I've usually managed to jam the thread/knot right into the middle of the pearl. So without a bead reamer or drill .. not sure what else to do. But don't throw it away..I had a little bowl with several nice pearls that were blocked up and when I bought a little Dremel I drilled them all out and used them. You obviously enjoy creating jewelry and have some lovely designs..I honestly would suggest you get a little hand drill at some future point. So much easier to drill out the beginning and end pearls for a necklace and clear out the nasty little knot blockages. Be interested to see any solutions posted.
Thank you, Katbran. I suspect you're right; there's nothing to be done short of drilling that thread out of there, and I'm sure I shoved the knot inside. Tried every fine pointed needlework tool I have, which includes quite a collection of finely sharp, pointy, stab my finger stuff and wearing the bandaids to prove it :) We do have a Dremel, but no tips fine enough, so maybe the ultimate solution is some new drill bits. THANKS!