The designer's corner

Pattye: Ditto on the verb 'crushing'. I scamper to the Urban Dictionary ( to give myself some street cred with the younger colleagues at work and am sure I'll be checking that site often when my daughters soon come into their tweens.

Pretty funny because "crush" is right from the 50's, a term I know well! But not "crushing", lol~

Great new stash of gems and pearls, congrats!
Oh you gals! So much talent and so much beauty in this thread!
I have found my "People."
When I was Dental Hygiene student at Vancouver's Community College, I used to enviously check out the Gemology/Silversmithing student's work and think to myself; "I'm in the wrong program." Maybe one day I will go back to school again. (My drawers are full of beads and flea market and yard sale vintage jewelry) ... and I have always hobbled together my own creations. (Most not worthy of this thread mind you.) But I'm with you gals, I'm with you .... we are talking the same language.
Thank you for taking the time to post these beautiful pictures!
Hugs to you all. :-)
Thank you for posting your gorgeous stuff!!!, although I must admit my control of my green-with-envy feelings is getting quite a workout. I haven't reached "Kill me! KILL ME NOW"yet, but I'm taking very deep breaths...
Here are my humble beads: :-)

All bracelets, some leather, some stretchy, and one made from tacky glass beads that I created in a lampwork class.
Linda. :-)


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Hi Linda, You must have the most colorful wrists in town :) Congratulations on making all those lampwork beads. I think they are wonderful!
I agree, they look great (bracelets), I can't even imagine making glassworks beads and you actually did it, and your posting is fine! You have reason to be proud, nothing less.

I still haven't posted a thing after a couple of years here, don't know how to use my camera to photograph the pearls I have - you guys are doing fantastic!!! I can't tell you that often enough!
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And where'd ya get that really cool clasp in photo3, bracelet on the left?

Again, you new kids are doing great stuff!
Thank you everyone for the kind comments.
The lampwork beads weren't as difficult as I expected; those were first tries. What was difficult, was getting the bead symmetrical.
Marianne: haha! I do NOT wear that glass one. Actually, lately, all I wear is leather stuff and of course any pearl item.
Lisa: the clasp is from a dismantled necklace found at a yard sale. I come from a long line of expert "pickers" (and antique dealers) and when I was first married and sort of poor, literally everything I owned was gleaned from second hand sources.
Thanks again.
Oh! Soul Sister!! I too love to do (as Barbie Biggs says) Advanced Recycling!
I'm awestruck because you can make glass beads, and love the look of the aqua/turquoise glass beads with the dark leather surround.
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Dang, is anyone else having trouble with the edit post feature? Maybe it's my phone.