The "chocolate" Trend

It may be my inexperience, but why is there this disdain over choc Tahitian pearls and not black akoyas. Aren't they the same thing? Both are treated to get the unnatural color? They are real pearls-- just enhanced/treated.

Or is it because natural tahitians are considered beautiful but akoyas are not because they need treatment (although PP's naturals dispute this).

It seems to me regardless of personal feelings, if you look around, these chocolate pearls are fetching 5-6 figure prices. If I was a vendor, I would be selling them too. I see posts on here from 06 calling it a fad, but we are almost to 2010 now and they are still going strong.
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Yes, completely agree with your approach! People want to tell their story about their pearls/faux pearls. I have had 2 occasions already to deliver "the truth".

We need to be respectful of others' jewelry, pearls or otherwise. I like to sit down with them and give them a pair of magnifying readers (glasses) so they can see the same "stuff" I can see. Most have never had a close look to see the peeling, blinking, etc.

Especially if someone has multiple items, I suggest they make an appointment (no charge, of course) when we can look them over together.
Pattye -

That is very generous of you to look through people's treasures with them and help their learning along.

One thing I have noticed, when the issue of appraisal/value isn't in the conversation: When I start going on (and on) about the history of pearling to explain what things may be or why an appraisal is a good idea, their eyes start to glaze over... Same result as when I talk about how cool characteristic inclusions for some gemstones look under magnification.

lionlaw -

You pose an interesting question IMO. I am someone who doesn't go for the more definitively color treated pearls, so the choc Tahitians and black akoyas are both off my personal list (I do own white pearls which have been treated, of course). If you were looking at high quality examples, they both make sense from a fashion and therefore an inventory standpoint.

The good quality ones are beautiful and have more variation than I would generally expect, good luster and nice overtones.
Yeah. Let's just say that my friends are very patient with me and I've learned to look for the glazed-eye response and temper my enthusiasm. ;)
Chocolate good to eat, not to wear ...

Chocolate good to eat, not to wear ...


actually, those are nice chocolate-like pearls ...

But what I don't like with the "Chocolate" is : What is the real color of chocolate ?

Brown, light brown, bronze, brown yellow ....

We are entering the alchemistery of the dyed pearls ...

just a note: a undrilled chocolate pearl is surely a natural color one

to dyed the pearls, they have to drill the pearls and let the chemical go inside ...
