Telling the Difference between Akoya and South Sea pearls


New Member
Apr 16, 2008
Hi a customer came in to a shop that I work in the other day with two strands that her husband had bought when he was overseas. One was supposed to be akoya and the other was South Sea. You really could not tell them apart - same size, nearly same colour, lustre etc etc. The man had paid substantially more for the "south sea" strand (crazy I know!). I didn't measure the pearls but they were probably 8 - 9 mm - rather small for SS but I have heard you can get them that size.

Is it possible to tell the difference betweem akoya and SS?

Thanks in advance for your responses.

Hi Leigh - I can't imagine a strand of 8-0mm south seas. Is it possible to see photos?
Those would be very small South Sea pearls. In that size range the akoya are often more valuable than the South Sea.

Akoya pearls will have a mirror relection and typically exhibit some rose overtone. South Sea pearls don't have the same type of reflection (typically). I have never seen a South Sea strand that could be mistaken for an akoya. I have seen a lot of pearls sold "as" South Sea that are not South Sea.

One question to ask, where overseas did he buy them? This is important because:

If he bought them in the Philippines they are most likely both Chinese freshwater.
If he bought them in China one is probably fresh and the other akoya, or both akoya.
If he bought them in Japan or Hong Kong, chances are they are as claimed.
Hi Leigh - I can't imagine a strand of 8-0mm south seas. Is it possible to see photos?

I haven't seen a strand but I have seen those sizes on ebay. The silky glow of SSP looks v good on the large pearls. On smaller pearls IMHO, the mirror reflection will gain more attention.
Thanks for your input guys. It was for a customer who had bought SS earrings from the shop I work at and then pulled these strands out of her bag for us to look at and give an opinion on. She brought them in because she doubted that the strand was SS. I could not tell the difference. They both looked like akoya to me. The strand that was supposed to be SS was actually slightly more pink than the akoya strand - not that means anything because SS do come in a rose colour. I was just interested to know if there was a definite way to tell the difference. I thought the size was too small myself. Anyways thanks for the quick responses. This forum rocks!!!
I have never heard of South Sea Pearls with a rose overtone, at least that is not the case with most of the SS-strands.

Akoyas on the other hand very often have this rose overtone, SS-sizes start at about 8 mm and up. I think the husband of your custumer was being ripped off.
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I have never hear of South Sea Pearls with a rose overtone

Actually, South Sea pearls with a slight rose overtone command some of the very highest prices. I'm not implying that the pearls Leigh is discussing are SS, though it is possible.