Tahitian tin cup - vendor needed to use my pearls and make one


New Member
Feb 10, 2018
I have finally joined after months of reading threads and enjoying the wonderful community and photos. I had joined a long while ago but have forgotten my password etc , so I joined up again :-)

I have a wonderful 18 inch strand of baroque Tahitians from one of the vendors here, but do not wear them as that colour is just not quite right for my skin, very strong blue silver overtones. My budget is low due to some health issues and I cannot return them as it has been to long to even ask - so I thought if they were reset into a tin cup, it would dilute the intensity and I could still enjoy them - can you recommend any vendors who will set my pearls in a tin cup at a reasonable price - I am in Australia so they would need to be fine with shipping to here.

I will try and post some pictures later of the current strand
many thanks
PG2b, welcome to the forum :) I would encourage you to post photos of the strand; strong blue silver overtones are rather uncommon and it would be nice to see them.
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Post a picture or two of your strand. And yes, Katbran can surely help you. She also has an Etsy shop called Pearlzaustralia.
Thank you - such a lovely community. I still haven't gotten around to taking any photos - a week of illness at my house. Katbran I will be in contact :-)
Have you considered reselling them at a discount? It may be a better alternative to sinking more money on pearls that aren't the best for you. Pearls don't usually have good resale value but a good strand of Tahitians from a trusted vendor may find a buyer. A lot of posters here check Loupe Troupe so it may be a venue for you.
Lady Disdain makes a good point. I have spent the last 10 years remaking a strand of pearls that somehow have never looked right on my skin. I even made a tin cup out of them, but sadly even that didn't turn it into a necklace I wanted to wear. Now I'm going to try restringing them with gemstone beads. If that doesn't do it, I'm not sure anything will.

You might be happier selling them than investing more money, when money is already tight.

Edited to add I also recommend Loupetroop if you decide to sell. (There is no buying or selling on this forum.)
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Thanks - you all raise good points - that is why I still am undecided what to do. They are beautiful pearls just not on me :(
If disinclined to sell it (because pre-owned pearls do not sell for much), consider using small stone/gemstone beads between the pearls to alter the overall color profile of the necklace. Beads of all kinds, sizes and colors can be bought on Etsy for not a lot of money, and you could do the stringing yourself.

It's not hard-- and the beauty of jewelry you string yourself is that you can always take it apart and redo it when you get tired of it. :D You might want to visit our Lowly Beaders Club forum. :)

If using stone beads, you would want to string onto steel beading wire (like Beadalon or Soft Touch, which is not costly and can be bought easily online or in craft stores); you'll want very thin gauges to go through tiny bead holes. You string right onto the wire-- no needle needed. You'd use crimps to finish it at the clasp. You would also need wire cutters to cut the beading wire, but you can substitute nail clippers or cuticle trimmers.

In short, it's quite possible to alter the look of the necklace without a large money layout. If you have leftover pearls you can even make hook-type dangle earrings-- also easy to do.
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