Tahitian Pearls Engagement Ring - Durable


New Member
Mar 4, 2012

I am a new member to Pearl-Guide and from reading some of the other forums and threads, I can tell this is the right place to come with my worries!

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 7 years and we have recently started discussing marriage and engagement. With so many of his cousins around our age getting engaged this year, neither of us want to 'steal their thunder' so to speak, so we are waiting for the right time. Is nice to know it is on the cards though!

He had been looking at wooden engagement rings as he wants to get me something a bit different that would represent my personality - shy and reserved, yet a bit different. My initial thoughts were - how would it be treated? Could it rot? and untimately, would it last? To me, the most perfect ring would be a Pearl!

I have only recently started researching this, but already have fallen in love with Tahitian Pearls, particularly with a green or copper overtone. During my search I came across a gorgeous ring on Overstock.com but I feel the pearl may be slightly too big for my fingers and the ring is not in my size - see attached. Also I am unsure about buying an engagement ring online, as its difficult to see the quality of the pearl.

We are currently based in Northern Ireland - does anyone know of a retailer/designer around here that I could visit?

Also, are Tahitian pearls durable? We are a very active couple, keen on several sports with a hectic lifestyle and I would hate to ruin such a special item by knocking it against something.

Thanks in advance for all your help!:D



  • albert2
    30 KB · Views: 97
Hi Kizzy. That's a lovely setting. Others may be able to point you to a local retailer, but there are many fine online retailers that probably have better inventories at more reasonable prices. A Tahitian pearl would make a lovely ring. When you say you have an active lifestyle, what do you mean? Pearls are on the delicate side and need to be handled with care. You would not be able to wear the ring to wash dishes, garden, clean the house with any soaps or solvents, do laundry etc. Engagements rings are meant to be worn everyday and tend to take abuse. Over time, if the ring is exposed to daily life, the pearl can scratch and dull. A Tahitian pearl would make a gorgeous centerpiece in an engagement ring, but you would have to be very mindful of it and could not wear it like you might a sapphire or diamond ring. If you are likely to goof and forget you have it on while you are bleaching your whites, you will be heartbroken.

If you wanted something a little different, have you considered sapphire? Sapphire is almost as durable as diamond and comes in every color of the rainbow (red sapphire is called ruby). In some ways sapphire can be even more durable than diamond since it does not have cleavage properties. Lovely, nice quality healthy size sapphires can be found for reasonable prices (much less than diamonds), but perfect cornflower blue sapphires are far more expensive than their diamond equivalent. Anyway, just a few thoughts.
I had originally thought of sapphire as when my mum and dad got engaged, that was the stone in their engagement ring. However, with the Royal wedding last year the Sapphire has become the 'ring of choice' it would appear amongst friends/acquaintences and it kind of lessened the appeal.

I understand that an engagement ring could get knocked or scuffed a little and I would be very maticulous about not wearing any jewellery when doing dishes/cleaning house etc (I have a few white gold rings with small diamonds and amber in them). What I mean by durable is, do they tend to remain in their setting well and would not damage or tarnish very quickly? I had a set of pearl earrings that my mum had gotten us to wear at her wedding and unfortunately the pearl came loose and was lost, I have yet to find the right pearl to match my other earring.

I have visited pears on pearl paradise amongst other websites and found some gorgeous designs and yes, they are very reasonably priced. I would not be one to follow the typical '2-3 months salary' guide, all I want is something that symbollises the commitment we are making but reasonably priced and beautiful at the same time. I really think a Tahitian pearl would do that!

Hi Kizzy
I know guys in Tahiti wear Tahitians around their neck to surf and only have to change the leather they are on, now and then. The pearls are durable.

I would wear a engagement ring Tahitian pearl everyday and not worry. Do dishes. Wear it in the shower. It will take years to show any wear, unlike some akoya rings. If it should chip or crack, which is unlikely, you can replace the pearl. I'd only take it off to do construction work. If you want to take it off often, maybe put it on a chain around your neck. Sea of Cortez pearls has a video where Douglas bangs pearls hard on the floor or desktop. They are tough. It takes a direct hit from a hammer to ruin it and maybe two of those.
PS I met the women who buys pearls for overstock this year at the Gem Show. She is very artistic and trying to upgrade overstock's line. I would say go with the setting you like. The pearl can be changed. I bought a very inexpensive pearl ring from them, then changed out the pearl for one of Jeremy's exotic colored freshwaters.

Just be sure the pearl is securely set. The one in the picture looks like it is only glued on a prong. I would want a ring with something to hold the pearl, if you are athletic. The only bang that would hurt would be one that might knock it out of its setting.
PS I met the women who buys pearls for overstock this year at the Gem Show. She is very artistic and trying to upgrade overstock's line. I would say go with the setting you like. The pearl can be changed. I bought a very inexpensive pearl ring from them, then changed out the pearl for one of Jeremy's exotic colored freshwaters.

Just be sure the pearl is securely set. The one in the picture looks like it is only glued on a prong. I would want a ring with something to hold the pearl, if you are athletic. The only bang that would hurt would be one that might knock it out of its setting.

Thanks Caitlin! I had thought that about the one on the Overstock.com website, lookks like it is most likely only held on by a prong from underneath and would hate for it to fall out. This is one of the reasons I am unsure about buying online, as you can only gain so much from an image. Unless it were a designer, online that I were communicating directly with. Then at least I would have more assurance over the security and durability but most importantly the quality of the pearl!
Sorry to go on, but pearls don't mind shampoos, dish soap and detergents, they are alkaline and much more sensitive to acid, but don't soak it in bleach- or vinegar. Take it off to dye your hair- or wear gloves if you dye or bleach your hair. It is an organic gem. If you wear your pearl with the understanding that it may eventually show wear, when it does, just change the pearl. You may be ready for an upgrade by then anyway.
Find the setting you like, then replace the pearl if it is not the pearl you want.
I like a pearl that is glued on a prong and has prongs to hold it like a diamond. I have one, but do not have a photo of it. I think Kojima pearl has one.
http://shop.kojimapearl.com/products/18k-rose-gold-crown-setting-japan-kasumi-pearl-ring-1 . This ring has a Kasumi pearl in it, but I think the style would hold up to just about anything without knocking the pearl out. http://shop.kojimapearl.com/products/tahitian-garden-pearl-ring Very protective setting.

I think Wendy at Pearlesence has one with prongs. She is just across the water from you in NE England. Look at her site and work with her. I'll come back with her link or just press it when you see one of her posts.

Wendy Graham

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last year i buyed an tahitian pearl ring,i wear it very often and until now i have not damaged the pearl.i was also worried that i would damage it,so i asked the seller if i can replace the pearl.i still take care when i wear it but i do not remove it for washing hands or other small stuff.i take it off when i make my nails or do some major cleaning.
also try to find a sturdy setting,i do knock my pearl every once in a while.
Just my tuppence worth, but although pearls aren't egg-shell like, they do damage more easily than the hardest stones do.

I too love pearls - but have a platinum engagement ring, with a main sapphire and small diamonds on one side.

I like the earthiness and simplicity of the kojima peal styles and that would be a lovely choice. I would like to put one other option on the table if you would be interested in a non-blue sapphire ring. I was looking on the natural sapphire company website and they have a really nice selection of natural sapphires that have not been been treated at all, not even heat--just cut and polished. The come in almost every color. I saw this nice lime green 1ct sapphire that is vvs1, transparent with excellent saturation and vivid color. I tout it would look nice in a halo setting, but since the stone is gorgeous with sparkle, you could also save a few Cents and go for a Tiffany style setting, without side stones. It's a fun site to play with too, o you may want to check it out for fun. The prices aren't bad. If you on't mind heat treated stones (which is almost every sapphire in the market), similar looking stones are available for about half the price or for the same money you can get a similar stone in a much larger size. You can get the sapphire in any color--yellow sapphires are almost always the least expensive. Anyway, here's the link: the setting: http://www.thenaturalsapphirecompan...l3RL+NRs9YRpdsKaXuE1UCvuY5CoJ08Y2EUUTwSlyQw==

And the stone: http://www.thenaturalsapphirecompany.com/Sapphires/Unique/Oval/Stoneid=U3474
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I saw a lovely ring on eBay a few weeks ago. It was 3 pearls with 2 sapphires in between. Nothing like it today, but I kinda like this one:


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I also like the idea of a gemstone engagement ring. ACS stones http://www.acstones.com/productcart/pc/viewCat_h.asp?idCategory=139 is a great source and Barry cuts fabulous stones. His inventory is low but will be updated on March 7th. Just to warn you, the stones go fast! Gene is another precision cutter to check out. http://www.precisiongem.com/index.html
I have purchased cut stones from both vendors and have been very pleased. I cannot vouch for the Natural Sapphire Company but the green stone you linked appears to have a brown modifier(may just be my computer screen.) Good Luck:)

Spinels would also work for an engagement ring so you might consider that.
I like that ring caitlin. Were there any other pictures or a description of it. I can't really get a good glimpse of te center stone. I have had this ring on my watch list since september:


It's a 3.04 ct sapphire which looks like a nice quality stone in an 18k yellow gold setting. It's listed for $1985, but it's been on eBay for a LONG time. If i were interested in this ring, i would make an offer of a$1000 just to see if they'll bite. Here's the eBay listing.

I love coloured rings on other people, and I think the Lime green sapphire is such a gorgeous colour, but for me who is so particular about colour coordination I just couldn't have one. My boyfriend thinks it's a disorder haha! :-)

You have all given some great advice and I agree, getting the right setting is the way to assure the durability of your Pearl. If it is not in a secure setting, it will get damaged much more easily! I have been searching further, and found this one on Pearl Paradise. I think it looks a lot more secure and I really love the setting and the subtlety of this ring!

I love the copper, or green overtone on it and I think the 9mm Pearl is perfect. I think i'm in love!
Whats the verdict?


  • P1000938
    19.5 KB · Views: 113
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OMG!! IM2! That is PERFECT! Very classy. I didn't see it on PP's website. Where's the link. Or you bought it already?

est190 I have the link where it says "this link" The ring is inexpensive! maybe 400-
I saw the one you posted, too.
Kizzy, I like that setting. It's a little dressier and looks more like an engagement ring then the others. As a guy, it's important to me that my wife's engagement ring sends out the message..TAKEN, LOOK ELSWHERE!!, :-)