Tahitian Pearls Dyed or Undyed?? Need help


Dec 19, 2011
Hi all, I recently bought some pearls and believe they are tahitian undyed pearls, but am not sure. Is there any way to tell if they are dyed? Many thanks for any help or info. They are a gorgeous black peacock color with 14k clasps and solid gold beads. The pearls have gorgeous overtones of black, purple, mauve, blue and green. Both of the gold, locking clasps are marked 14K and the beads are also gold. The necklace measures 18" long and the bracelet is 8". The pearls are a good size and between 7-8 mm. Both pieces have a substantial weight of 40.6 grams together and are in very good condition.

Hi and I'm sorry to be the first to say this but to me they look like freshwater dyed pearls..the colours aren't right for Tahtians, nor is how the colours appear on the pearls, and they are not round (and not the non-round tahitian shapes either). The mark may or may not be real on the clasp but I would get it and the beads checked. Anyone can stamp 14k on anything.
I am sorry too, but I agree with Wendy. Those aren't Tahitians because Tahitians are formed around a bead and thus never squooshed-looking even though they can be off round. The kind of pearls that are typically off round eggy, are freshwater pearls, which can look exactly like your strand. The color is because they are dyed and they were dyed because so many people like that look.

Unfortunately, Some sellers- esp. on eBay, sell them as "Tahitian Black pearls", referring to the color which they call "Tahitian black". Then so many people do not understand they are trying to fool you by naming them "Tahitian black pearls". They do usually say they are actually freshwater pearls somewhere in the small print; if not, they are seling the pearls fraudulently. They get away with that by selling for only somewhat more than the freshwater price and no where near the price of real Tahitians.

Your new pearls are very pretty and colorful, but are the colors and shapes of dyed freshwater pearls (right on, Wendy), not natural color Tahitian pearls. As Wendy says, the beads and clasp may not be karat gold and should be tested, since it appears the pearls were misrepresented. I hope the price was right and you will wear and enjoy them for what they actually are.
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Thanks to everyone for the information. It is truly appreciated and quite a learning lesson.

Again, thanks.
Great advice. They aren't Tahitians, but they are cool in their own right. The colors just reel you in. :cool:
That black dye they use on freshwaters does have gorgeous overtones. I have several of them and they are one of the favorites I give to friends for b-day gifts and such. I tell them the truth- that they are dyed freshwaters, but they really don't care- they just like them.
Hey Blaire! I don't think you got to see the really wonderful chartreuse green dyed pearls with olive faceted glass beads I wore Friday night. I love those chartreuse pearls and they look great! I ought to photo them and put them on that other thread! Dyed freshwater pearls can be so much fun.