Tahitian pearl for a man

  • Thread starter Thread starter Casey.R
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I'm thinking of getting a Tahitian pearl on hemp or leather for my father this Christmas. He likes the occasional piece of jewelry and I think he'd like the idea of a Tahitian pearl. I'm pretty sure Pearl Paradise has something like it. Wasn't there a web site that had some from the farm owned by Josh?
Hi John,

I think it is great that you are wearing and promoting men in pearls! Makes me annoyed every time I hear someone say "Pearls are the only gemstone worn exclusively by women."

so many pearls, so little time
I think the immortal Miki-mon missed a bet by promoting pearls only for women (except for a tie tack or two). I am glad we are coming out from those limiting beliefs. Some cultures, like India, used to have men wearing all kinds of pearls, so this does have some precedents.

This is what the hemp model looks like (on me). If you want a bigger pearl, drop Pearl Paradise a line. We aren't really set up to handle special orders.
Josh said:
[This is what the hemp model looks like (on me). If you want a bigger pearl, drop Pearl Paradise a line. We aren't really set up to handle special orders.

What an excellent necklace model! The fish ensures that no one thinks that pearls aren't 100% manly.;)
That is unfair advertising if there ever was any! ;)

The pearls-on-rope are for men, not for ladies, right ? :p
C'mon Ana, where's that open mind? For men and women of course. In college I had a dude in one of my classes that wore a dress sometimes. My respect was endless. Couldn't do it myself, not man enough.
Josh said:
I had a dude in one of my classes that wore a dress sometimes.

Nooo! Not what I meant ;) There's more in the picture then the pearl, right? And I didn't mean that it could be a nice add for ...fish, either. :)
Suitable for aquatic pursuits?

Suitable for aquatic pursuits?

I do like the idea of the very simple pearl-on-a-cord look ("manly, yes, but I like it, too...") I would love to have a pearl that I can truly wear all the time, including when I'm scuba diving (important for us mermaids to look glamorous, without annoying dangly bits or flashing sparkly pieces of metal that may bring us to the attention of sea creatures with large teeth). To that end, is there any concern about a pearl being exposed to salt water? I know this is probably a rather silly question, since these pearls come from salt water, but thought I should ask. What sort of cord would best withstand the elements? Thoughts on using rubber or flexsoft or something similar? Concerns over wear at the pearl hole? Inquiring minds need to know...

Thanks! Sheri
Hi Sheri,
Don't worry about your pearl in salt water. Definitely not a dumb question though. Salt water is corrosive to pearls but only over a very long time and continuously as well. I have been wearing pearl on a cord around my neck for ten years now. I'm in the ocean literally every day and my pearls don't get damaged. On the farm though we have seen the shells of our oysters go flat in a few days in the water.
The most resistant material we sell is carbon fiber. It's encased in a protective coating which prevents it from being itchy. We are actually testing a new material that looks as though it may be even longer lasting. I don't know what flexsoft is but some people do use rubber for active wear pearls.
Also, you are right about worrying about flashy bits in the ocean. A friend of mine had his hand severly damaged by a barracuda striking at his watch while surfing.

This is what the hemp model looks like (on me). If you want a bigger pearl, drop Pearl Paradise a line. We aren't really set up to handle special orders.

Okay, so how slow am I..just now seeing this!? I LOVE that necklace Josh. It doesn't look un-manly one bit. (and whoa nellie, you're nice good lookin' as all get-out! :D) The hemp is great with the tan, though I'm wondering A. Does it get dirty? B. Are you able to slide the pearl off and switch out the hemp?

I definitely want one. Finding hemp and a clasp means walking down the hallway to my office, but are we able to get a bigger tahitian with a big ol' hole from one of yall so we can make it ourself?
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Aw gee Danachit, (blushing while looking down and kicking a rock) thanks for the kind words.
The hemp stays nice and white if you are like me and you shower and soap your neck every day. If you don't, yes, it does get discolored and actually wears much faster. Bodily oils are surprisingly corrosive. The hemp necklace that Tahitimana makes is not designed to be changed out as there are knots on both sides of the pearl. The knots keep it from sliding and keep it centered. On the back there is a little M.O.P. logo that is double drilled and does slide around. I often like to wear mine with the M.O.P. bead in front and pearl in back.
I'm sure it won't be hard to find someone on this board (if you haven't already) that will gladly sell you a large single. Can you organize a picture when you have it all sorted out?