Tahitian pearl farming video

Hi! Josh.

It is beautiful place and want to go there right now.

Tks for your posting.

Hyun-Yoon Yoon

South Korea.
What a beautiful place to work. And an interesting job as well, swimming and diving for a living in Tahiti it sounds like a vacation hahaha.
Great video! It looks like a gorgeous part of the world. Being an animal lover I of course like the animal images. Whats the wildlife like around there?

OT:What part of California are you from? It says on your website you lived here way back when.
Thanks for providing so rich informations to pearl lovers.

I wonder if it is usual to drill and tie the pearls as you show on your video?
Do the oysters react to drilling? I mean does it provoque keshis or else?
Thanks for further explanations...

Meanwhile thanks for what men do for us.... the ones who wear the pearls ;)
Excellent work- very artfully done, it almost looks like a "Come to Tahiti" advertisement. The pictures of the sunrises and sunsets and the sharks cruising lazily through the water... wow.

Can I ask- the logo or icon for your company looks rather like the Egyptian Ankh- an ancient symbol for life. Is there a connection?
To anyone who tried to watch the video yesterday or this morning: sorry. A coconut fell on the cage of the hamster that runs the electricity for our local website host. Did the poor little bugger in. Anyway, there's a new hamster now and the site should be working just fine.

Hyun Yoon Yoon thanks and hello from across the Pacific!

Casey, the wildlife consists of seabirds and aquatic life. There are no indigenous mammals but there are plenty of hermit crabs and a few coconut crabs too.
I went to school in Marin County, Berkeley and Santa Cruz.

CLICLASP the drilling does not hurt the oysters more than it hurts you to trim your toe nails. If it's poorly done it can of course injure the oyster but it's just another detail we focus on to help our oysters make the most beautiful pearls possible. It does not provoke keishis. En parlant de la derniere chose que tu as dit: j'ai rien compris.

Ashley, thanks for the thumbs up again. It was done by a friend who is a professional surf videographer. He's from Uruguay and has that amazing artistic latin eye.
Good eye on the farm's logo. The idea is that when you are in harmony with the natural world and the people that you work with you create something eternal.
Josh said:
CLICLASP the drilling does not hurt the oysters more than it hurts you to trim your toe nails. If it's poorly done it can of course injure the oyster but it's just another detail we focus on to help our oysters make the most beautiful pearls possible. It does not provoke keishis. En parlant de la derniere chose que tu as dit: j'ai rien compris.


Hi Josh
the last sentence, just a joke, sure my bad english translated badly my idea ... As a pearl lover and wearing pearls... I like " men at work " ;) and what they do for us : diving and caring and so for pearls , your pictures show nice pearls and nice team too...OK Josh ??!;)
Hint for the day: To have happy dreams watch the Kamoka Pearl video just before going to bed. (Soooo much healthier for us than watching the late news!)

so many pearls, so little time
pattye said:
Hint for the day: To have happy dreams watch the Kamoka Pearl video just before going to bed. (Soooo much healthier for us than watching the late news!)

so many pearls, so little time

Regretfully, I am having trouble watching it (hamster problems aside) because our server is a bit clogged and the streaming video becomes stuttering video. Still, such lovely videography! And I anticipate that as winter settles in around here, I may be watching it everyday just to warm up mentally! :D

Josh, it will probably be many years before I get down that way, but when I do, I hope your invitation will still stand...
Boo, we're not going anywhere.

Robert, it is kind of like a vacation. It's harder work than most people will ever experience and completely exhausting but that's where it ends. Living in a city and and doing the 9 to 5 thing in a cubicle sounds much harder to me.