Tahitian Multis


New Member
Dec 29, 2007
I'm doing the GIA Pearl Grading course in London tomorrow - yippeeee !! I think I'll wear this .... they were little horrors to photograph .....

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Beautiful pearls, what great colors (and photo)!!
More details please, size, length, source....
Wow !
Gorgeous necklace, PG. Breathtaking pearls.
And enjoy the course tomorrow; let us know how you get on.
Beautiful pearls, what great colors (and photo)!!
More details please, size, length, source....

Hi Raj and Sueki, thank you for the kind words. It's a 17" necklace of 9-12mm multi-colour Tahitians. I was specifically looking for that colour combination and I found it within my budget at The Pearl Source. I've also got some wonderful Tahitian baroques from Pearl Paradise which I'll photograph at the weekend. Pearls are so addictive!
Hi PGDesign,

They are absolutely fabulous :) Just STUNNING. Which arm did they leave you with the left or the right? :)

Don't we all just get so B addicted. I cannot stop myself. I spotted some Tahitians? in the lighter grey/blue colour and can't stop day-dreaming about them.

Hope you blitz the class and become the best in your field. You have to wear them. Just don't let the rest of the classes sighs and jealous looks put you off your papers.

Hi PGDesign,

they look beautiful and very unusual in their intense colours. This blue tone I have never seen for real, just amazing!!
Addicted - too true Bodecia....
I can't take my eyes off those pearls of PG's.
Addicted - too true Bodecia....
I can't take my eyes off those pearls of PG's.

You are all SO lovely. Reading all these comments has perked me up so much, not least because I have learned a great deal from you all, and I can only aspire to your own pearl collections. Naughty Sueki has led me astray .... I had to get the big funky Pearl Paradise (freshwater) baroques after seeing how amazing they looked on her ......

There are indeed lots of different colours in this strand, all sorts of greens, from sage to teal, there are taupes and bronzes, aubergines and indigos. I chose it for practical reasons, it goes with everything in my wardrobe.

I am looking forward to the pearl course, I hope it will make me a better consumer. But I think the addiction is going to get worse!

PG xx
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Hi PGdesign and all,

I would post some of my own designs plus some others that I have fallen for but the photo attachment is not working for me :(( I have some fairly cheap Tahitian designs made because the pearls were not up to my usual standards. Will be selling again soon, health allowing, no bugger my health I will list again soon.

Hi Sueki,

Addicted - too true Bodecia....
I can't take my eyes off those pearls of PG's.

It is so very true. I have an Outside Loo, But I have my Pearls. I have to carry bath water to flush outside loo, But I have my Pearls. I strain my back carrying buckets from bath to flush loo, But I have my Pearls. I have a cement living room floor, But I have my Pearls. And I am still totally addicted. Am I crazy??


PS - Do wish I could post a few photos - but will have to wait until PF helpers help me. :((
Hi Bodecia,
Click "manage attachments" then click "browse" then find the location of your photos. and click on the photo. and then click "upload".

And you're not doing too badly - you can afford a loo and a bath and still have dosh left over for pearls ?? :D
they look beautiful and very unusual in their intense colours. This blue tone I have never seen for real, just amazing!!
Truly amazing. In looking at that necklace I am actually transported to the South Pacific?the sand, the coconut palms, the azure lagoon, the deep blue ocean, the sunset?
Why, why why did I ever join this forum??

PG those pearls are divine, and are doing nothing at all for my recently acquired lust for a Tahitian strand of my own.... they are all truly gorgeous!

In speaking of the GIA course - I am looking for a pearl grading course in Australia, and think that the GIA course by distance is the best option. Does anyone know of any other? Or has anyone done the course by distance? Thanks again - I can't get over how helpful and knowledgeable the forum members are!