Tahitian keshi studs


New Member
Feb 15, 2010
Hi everyone,

I'm in the market for some tahitian keshi studs. Nothing flattish, more rounded, but gnarly, and definitely keshi. Any ideas where I can source these?:D
Thanks everyone,

I've contacted Sarah, but only just a few days ago, so no reply yet. I did see those studs, but am trying to get away from the cornflake look. Thanks though!

Thanks Pattye. Completely forgot about Kamoka. How is that possible you say? I've never purchased from them, and they went off my radar. I'll give them a go :)

Imanit, do you have experience with these sellers?
Hi Kelly -
You might try Mana Pearl (http://www.manapearl.com/shop/tahitian-pearl-earrings.html). I have never ordered from them, but I believe other PG members have. I like their site because they show photos of the actual pearls you will be sent, and they include pics of someone modeling them. I just bought a Tahitian keshi strand, and would like to eventually get earrings, so I will be interested to see what you end up with. Please keep us updated!
Try manapearl.com. They have them from 8mm to 12mm http://www.manapearl.com/shop/tahitian-pearl-earrings.html

They ship from French Polynesia so return can be cumbersome just like purchasing from Chinese sellers on ebay. You can email and ask for more pictures if you want to be absolutely sure.

Oh, I just noticed wildonion replied to you. I myself and another PG friend, who doesn't post here anymore, have ordered from them.