Stringing av necklaces

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Hi everybody on the Forum,

I have a question regarding the stringing of pearls. I had a necklace of FWP:s restrung at my local jeweller and it is quite uneven. I tried to place it round a plate to get the shape round or oval but as soon as I took the plate away, the shape was like before, eg uneven. All my necklaces I have from Pearl Paradise are fine from the very beginning so I wonder if this is a question of skill. And what do I do when the time comes for my other necklaces to be restrung? My jeweller told me the necklace would become fine after wearing it for some time, this I have done but so far I have seen no change in the shape. As I am wearing all my necklaces frequently, they all have to be restrung in the near future and I am not happy at the thought that my other necklaces too will become UNEVEN in shape. What do I do? I don,t know any beaders around here to ask for help.

Thanks for comments

Inge Jernberg :o
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There are a couple of possibilities for this piece. You are correct, it could be a question of skill. If the knots are not done properly the strand will not sit right. But, it may be that the knots are simply too tight.
When we string a necklace it has the same appearance as you have described - it looks a bit kinked. This is intentional. You do not want the knots loose, otherwise you will need to restring the necklace prematurely. What we do, however, before we ship the necklace is "pull" it. This means we run our fingers down the strand applying slight presure. This should stretch the knots only so slightly - breaking the kinks. This is why the strands you have received from us to not have the "kink" problem.
Video on stringing pearl necklaces

Video on stringing pearl necklaces

This is a question that goes to Jeremy of Pearl Paradise:

Are You planning on another Video for us Pearl lovers? And if so, would it be to much to ask of You showing us how to string a necklace according to the "Chinese way"?

I have learned to string with the help of Henrietta?s by now classic book without using tools but it could not hurt to see other kinds of stringing, especially as I always admire the knots of my bought pearl necklaces.

You have described how to do it on the forum but still it would be a lot easier for us to see it in a Video!

What do You say, Jeremy?:D
Hi Inge
Thanks for that post! That was a great idea. I never thought of it, but now that you have, it would be such a boon to all the do-it-yourselfers to have such a video.I would even buy it! Beginning and ending techniques too. I struggled for years to learn these things and I don't think I know the ones PP uses!

Knotting techniques have always been a highly guarded secret (witness Bernadette's posts!) but I seriously doubt putting it out there for us that love making our own will jeopardize the trade for the pros!

So Dear Jeremy,
I hope you will see the wisdom in this request. If such a video only went to PP and PGF people, it would help some of the best educated pearl people to expand their horizens!

Have any of you seen the video of the Asian (japanese?) way to fold a t-shirt? I saw it on Martha Stewart once and it is incredible and fast!

here is a version for windows media player
Another video... We might have something in the works;) But if we did, and I am not admitting we do, it would probably be a full 45 minute video in high definition that would fit well into the genre of channels like the discovery channel. It would also be a video of the freshwater farms of China with some coverage of freshadama production - if such a video were to be made.

Maybe I can shoot something short and simple that shows the stringing style! You really only have to see one knot to "get" it.
Hi Jeremy
You are better than that genie in the bottle! Or maybe even Santa. Good for you! You are really a "can do" kind of guy, so I am looking forward to the video on knotting for sure and hope the other one happens too.
Videos on pearl framing and knotting-finishing techniques

Videos on pearl framing and knotting-finishing techniques


that would be great and Caitlins suggestion to sell it primarily to folks who buy from PP or are on this forum is a very good suggestion. And we who have bought from PP are quite willing to pay for this knowledge! Of course it would be nice if this kind of Video is more of an educational type, not just a very short one but a detailed one. The techniques and knowledge You do have, as we have seen from the first video "Pearls".;)

As there was some talk before over continous videos and wishes from us customers for every type of pearl farming, we look forward to see something very soon.

How does it go with Your book? The day it gets public l want a personally signed copy of it and think that our forum members would like that as well.:)
Jeremy you are funny;)

Oh, you will have two orders from me (and my mom who is a HUGE fan of Jeremy's and other people on this site... She likes anyone who genuinely loves pearls) , if possibly signed wold be great...if not that is cool as well... just let me know... :D free or pay does not matter just put me on the Waiting list... :)


Well, the book is done. I turned in the last edit last night to the publisher. As long as there are no more requested edits, it will hit the presses in the next week after the cover is designed (the one on Amazon is NOT the intended cover). They have told me that it would be available to the public in January, and hopefully I will get a few free copies myself;)
Anyway, for those of you not involved in the Internet biz or intending to get started in it, you may actually find it a bit boring. I could not even get my wife to read through from cover to cover during edits:mad:
jshepherd said:
Well, the book is done. I turned in the last edit last night to the publisher. As long as there are no more requested edits, it will hit the presses in the next week after the cover is designed (the one on Amazon is NOT the intended cover). They have told me that it would be available to the public in January, and hopefully I will get a few free copies myself;)
Anyway, for those of you not involved in the Internet biz or intending to get started in it, you may actually find it a bit boring. I could not even get my wife to read through from cover to cover during edits:mad:


just what do you mean with the cover on AMAZON? If you haven?t got the book published yet - how could AMAZON have a cover of it?
And I certainly hope to get a signed copy from You personally, thank You! If I order through AMAZON, I cannot get it....:rolleyes:

I hope the book is not too technical, i.e. boring, but understandable for us pearl lovers.

Hopefully, that 45-minutes video is on it?s way too - I enjoyed the Pearls-video even though it was a short version. Please remember to have Your staff on the video as well and I would love to see Your new location with the vault and everything of interest as some of us do not have the possibility of visiting personally, at least not in the near future!

Please comment on these questions/wishes!
I am not sure how these things work, but the book has been available for pre-order on Amazon and othe book Sites for months. They even have the exact number of pages - the publisher determined this when I was only half way through.
But anyway, from what I understand it will not be available until January. I am not responsible for selling it, the publisher is.
Thanks for the link, Sheila!

It's difficult to explain without the video.
Great score, Sheila!

I am wondering about the start and finish shown. The start is clever, but how do you get the gimp on it? and the end is finished with a lighter? That must mean non silk thread.......
No gimp, the thread is knotted directly onto the clasp.
I will let you know when the 'how-to french wire' section is added.

The thread used contains nylon, when using silk you have to apply some jewelry-glue onto the final knot instead of melting it.

In the spirit of illuminating stringing techniques......I am just noticing that that method of tying the pearl thread to the knotting string and sliding all the pearls onto the knotting string has been described here before.

It does not need a needle on the loop, so the clasp can be attached in the manner shown. This is very clever and would work for some people sometimes. It was appropriate for this demonstration. However, I can't see how one could get the gimp on the knotting thread using that string method.

Also, it presupposes that your pearls are in the correct order on the temporary thread. I can't think of a time I left the pearls in the original order on the temporary thread, since I like to rearrange pearls and often add other stones in between.
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