Streamlining a bit - Battah's bead babies

I can totally see myself doing that, too. Best I not go that way!
I sympathize Battah :) I laid out a huge collection of turquoise and silver last week ... passing thought that I'd set up a little Etsy shop and sell some, now that I love pearls even more ... after a week of endless brain looping "ooh, I remember the lovely man who made this necklace, the grand adventure we had finding that piece in the wilds of New Mexico at a farmers' market ..." rapidly followed by random musings of the new pearls I "could buy if I sold my turquoise" ... LOL, I gave up :)
You know, each time I let one of my pearl pieces go home with someone else, I feel a tinge of regret...but then I get so much pleasure running into the friends/family/friends of friends who wear them, and I'm tickled pink that they are enjoying them. And I never let go of my most favorite that bad to admit?
Cathy, exactly! You can get so attached to pieces, particularly if they bring back memories of experiences or people. Plus I really enjoy figuring out new ways to make things, so I make them and love them and keep them, but when it comes to redoing something to list in the shop, the idea bores me and I end up making something else (and keeping it).

JP, true! I often give pieces to friends and family - that's the best feeling!
JerseyPearl, that's the best solution ... making gorgeous pieces for friends and family, pieces they then love, and you can see them wearing again and again ... so perfect!
Open an Etsy shop as an excuse so I can hoard more pearls... good idea ladies!
CPlus I really enjoy figuring out new ways to make things, so I make them and love them and keep them, but when it comes to redoing something to list in the shop, the idea bores me and I end up making something else (and keeping it).

Make two! One for you, one for shop ;) Your's could be the "prototype," a legit business expense XD
Make two! One for you, one for shop ;) Your's could be the "prototype," a legit business expense XD

I try to! But after I make one I tend to want to move on to figuring out something new... My husband says my hobby is collecting hobbies, I love learning how to do new things.
I particularly like the spinel with the octos. It looks like one can style them in many ways!
Thanks, perlas, it's fun to play with.