LOL, here is my take, and my disclaimer is that I have not seen either AAA Mikis nor any hanadamas in person!
So take it for what it's worth.
1. If you buy Miki AAA I think it's a given that you are getting top of the line quality, with the top of the line price.
Part of the high price tag
is the name. Let's face it: people do value brand name prestige, be it pearls, watches, or cars. And Mikimoto is a brand with prestige. I am not saying the brand name is the only price factor, but it is not insignificant IMO.
2. I don't recall anyone here making the claim that hanadamas sold by online vendors are equivalent to Miki AAA pearls. One simply cannot make that kind of comparison from vendor to vendor. On P-G we tell our readers that there are
no universal grading standards for pearls. Every vendor has their own way of grading, and buyers should familiarize themselves with the grading standards stated on the vendor's website.
Hanadamas are the best akoyas on the online vendors' websites, but one cannot make broad assertions about the quality of one vendor's hanadama akoyas (or any other pearls) with those of another vendor, or brand, including Mikimoto. People will, of course, have their individual experiences, such as the OP had, but we can't rightly extrapolate from that.
3. Mikimoto has vast quantities of akoya pearls at their disposal with which to make up strands. One would hope that Mikimoto could control for nearly-uniform quality within each grade. If they can't, who can?

Probably we should not expect this degree of uniformity from online vendors.
I own a copy of the coffee table book
Pearl Necklace (which is solely photos of Mikimoto pearls) and the photos are stunning.
Would I love to own a Miki AAA strand?
Does the Queen have corgis?
4. I think comparing luster of pinked and non-pinked strands adds a level of difficulty. I'd rather see a comparison of like strands-- both pinked. Then I would be less likely to confuse the more vivid and deeper colors seen in the dark circle of the pinked pearls with luster.
5. (and this is just my opinion on buying stuff in general) I think there is a law of diminishing returns. There's a point (which only each one of us can decide) where it is no longer worth it to us to
spend more in order to
get more.
I also know that if it were not for the online vendors, I would own very few pearls.
If I ever win the lottery, I may visit Mikimoto.