Strack's "Pearls"


New Member
Jun 16, 2014
Strack's Pearls has been suggested as a definitive pearl guide. As it's out of print, it's rather expensive. I currently own The Pearl Book: The Definitive Buying Guide by Antoinette Matlins. Owning this, would Pearls be redundant?

I'd rather not spend the $150 or so on Pearls but will if it's thought that it would add sufficiently to my learning. So, what are your thoughts? Thanks.
Strack is the bible of pearls, although it really needs an update to address what's going on in Freshwater pearls today.
The two are very different. Strack's book is much more a "scholarly" type work, and more 'scientific' in content, tone, depth of information, etc. The Matlins book is quite good, but very much what is says it is: a consumer-oriented buyers guide.

I also concur with KAC's comment; though I have to say at the rate things are changing with Freshwater, she'd likely have to revise -at least- annually to stay fresh (pun intended) on that.
I hope this is not misplaced and forgive if it is out of line, but I have a question.
You guys (Pearl Guide creators) combined have so much experience and have literally changed they way people shop for pearls and educate themselves about them, why are you not self publishing eBooks/ibooks on the subject? I think you have a ready audience (though it maybe small initially)…and it is the quickest way to address industry changes (as you've mentioned) in Freshwater pearls and other areas of Pearl Culture. Or has it already been done…and I've missed it?
I can't speak for Jeremy and other vendors, but there is such good information for the average consumer on P-G and in Renee Newman's Pearl Buying Guide (5th edition, 2010) that I personally think another guide isn't needed, and the time needed to prepare such a guide would detract from the chief business. JMO of course.

Ms. Newman updates her book periodically with the latest developments in pearl production and the photographs in her books are fantastic.
I don't see how an ebook or ibook would detract from business (though it would be a personal choice of theirs to make) when it is nothing like waiting and sorting through the red tape of a publishing house and all levels one goes through to get a hard copy book published. If you are on the forefront of new discoveries and technology (just like live blogging) your ability bring those occurrences immediately forward to those that would consume the information is there (I'm a former techie I still think in those terms sometimes).

Renee Newman's books as with many other authors are fine and topical, but it is still going through the hard copy publishing cycle (and there is nothing wrong with that). eBooks are another avenue that allows for faster access to information, particularly information that is constantly changing, the technology is here for that reason. Not everyone knows pearl guide is here, but many people buy eBooks and download content for their PMD's. So I expressed my curiosity if it was something they ever thought about doing. I hope that does not sound confrontational? That is not my intent.

I can't speak for Jeremy and other vendors, but there is such good information for the average consumer on P-G and in Renee Newman's Pearl Buying Guide (5th edition, 2010) that I personally think another guide isn't needed, and the time needed to prepare such a guide would detract from the chief business. JMO of course.

Ms. Newman updates her book periodically with the latest developments in pearl production and the photographs in her books are fantastic.
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Not at all! :)

I just think there's enough information already out there, and even eBooks take time to write. But hey, it's a free country.
But it is the internet which is like the Old Wild West, I know what you mean though!!!! LOL
I used to publish internal eGuides for the database system I maintained. I'm an info nerd sadly.

Not at all! :)

I just think there's enough information already out there, and even eBooks take time to write. But hey, it's a free country.
BlackPearlDudeDC, I think I will infringe on a copyright issue if I do this. But you can send an email to Elisabeth if she is willing to do this :)
I'm sorry I should have been clear, I meant place the info you shared here, and put it under the FWP thread. I feared no one would look at the new info you shared because it was an old thread I bumped up in reply without noticing it was old.

BlackPearlDudeDC, I think I will infringe on a copyright issue if I do this. But you can send an email to Elisabeth if she is willing to do this :)
I hope this is not misplaced and forgive if it is out of line, but I have a question.
You guys (Pearl Guide creators) combined have so much experience and have literally changed they way people shop for pearls and educate themselves about them, why are you not self publishing eBooks/ibooks on the subject? I think you have a ready audience (though it maybe small initially)…and it is the quickest way to address industry changes (as you've mentioned) in Freshwater pearls and other areas of Pearl Culture. Or has it already been done…and I've missed it?

I wrote a business book years ago and it was a long, difficult process. About a year after it was published, the publisher asked me to write an updated, second edition. I decided at that point I didn't want to continue writing books and would stick to publishing online. It's instant and we can update the information as the information changes like we do with the hundreds of articles here on PG.
The two are very different. Strack's book is much more a "scholarly" type work, and more 'scientific' in content, tone, depth of information, etc. The Matlins book is quite good, but very much what is says it is: a consumer-oriented buyers guide.

I also concur with KAC's comment; though I have to say at the rate things are changing with Freshwater, she'd likely have to revise -at least- annually to stay fresh (pun intended) on that.

I agree fully with Kris and I would add some other books as well: Renn? Newmann's "Pearl Buying Guide" and "Pearls" by Hubert Bari & David Lam. With these 4 books I would say you are complete unless you also dabble into History and you would have to include Kunz & Stevenson's "The Book of the Pearl".
Douglas- I am still waiting for your own book ;-) "The trials and tribulations of pearl farming- The Douglas McLaurin story" :p
He may not be writing it, but he's living on the pearl farm Rollercoaster! :)