Spherical Rose

What a lucky woman your mother is, Sueki. Many suitors. She must be a real dazzler both inside and out.
Dear S.F.

My sympathies, really.

But take a deep breath, relax, there's not a man in the world worth a strand of good pearls.

And this comes from my Eli.
Dear Spherical Flower:
I am sorry to hear your sad news. In time perhaps you will find that you can look back and see that your passion for pearls brought you great happiness during these days when you hoped to marry. If you think about keeping them, put them somewhere safe and keep in mind that their karma is all about you. They were made only for you. All of us here on the Pearl Guide loved hearing about your search and loved you and your pearls. There could be a time in your future that your love for those pearls could come full circle and they could be a thing of joy in your life again. Just put them away if you think this could be. Look at them later. If not, talk to Kirsten, she's wonderful. There are always options,
love, barbie
Thanks Knotty,
No, not many suitors, just the two - that I'm aware of anyway. :)

I almost spat tea all over the monitor !
Eli sounds like my kind of man.... :D
Hello S.F. -

Extending my heartfelt sympathy for you. Echoing the advice of many here - take a deep breath and many moments to care for yourself.

It does sound like an idea to contact PP and inquire about a possible exchange for...say...some lavender freshadamas. ? You had mentioned in the past that this is something you are drawn to. Please do let us know how you're doing in any case.
Hello SF - I am so sorry to hear your news.
My thoughts are like others above - talk to Kirsten about your situation, and maybe exchange your lovely pearls for something you can wear without ill thoughts or feelings... and care for yourself - let us know how you are going.
Hello Spherical Flower,

I'm so sorry things didn't work out for you the way that you wanted. However, you might think about this: Better before the wedding than after it. As a veteran of more than one pre-nuptial break up, with time to give perspective to the situation, I've always ended up glad that things were figured out before there was a wedding. I've done it both ways and, though it may take some time for you to see things for what they probably really are, ending it before the wedding is by far the less traumatic way.

Wishing you well,

J Marcus
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Eli sounds like my kind of man.... :D

He may be Eli to the rest of the world, but he'll always be George to me. They broke the mold after him.
Spherical Flower, that is very bad news indeed. :( Maybe you won't feel like it now, but you may want to hide the pearls in the deepest part of your closet until you feel they can be used. The strand you got is very beautiful and you may not get another strand like that when the time comes along.
I re-watched (I think the title is) Gentlemen prefer Blondes recently. Paraphrase Munro and substitute pearls for diamonds.
Just hang on to them darling and enjoy. They are yours and no-one but yours and they are fabulous then someone who better appreciates them and you will soon be along.
Dear Spherical Flower,
My deepest sympathies. I know it's difficult now, but hang in there as you have many joyful days in your future.
They are beautiful.
So sorry the way things worked out. Hang in there, better days will come.
Spherical Flower,

I just re-read the posts and looked at your strand - DO NOT CHANGE IT AS IT IS VERY LOVELY - YOU MIGHT NEVER GET SOMETHING EQUALLY LOVELY!
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First off, I would love to say thank you to everyone who expressed sympathy for me. I appreciate everyone of you. 6 years is a very long length of time to be with someone when you are as young as I am. To say the least, I have learned alot. Life is about finding beauty in negative spaces.

As a gemologist in training I would hate to give such a rare top quality peice of jewelry away to never be replaced again. Imagine trying to replace such a top quality strand, even at any cost, how difficult it would be to find. So I have decided to hang onto the strand of pearls. Keep it tucked away in my closet for my very bright future. Someday I will marry and I will have the most beautiful strand of pearls to wear on my wedding day and to pass down to my grandchildren. I couldn't ask for a better gift then that.
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Hey Spherical Flower,
I'm glad that you seem to be feeling a little more positive.
Go girl !
Glad you decided to keep the pearls! I too have learned a lot about myself and life from a past romantic experience. Although it was difficult, it made me who I am today. I wouldn't trade it and have no regrets, as it eventually brought me to my husband.

Good luck and keep your head up!
So glad you have come to that conclusion! You won't regret it.

Maybe after the sting of the breakup is not quite so fresh, you will be able to slip the pearls out of the closet and wear them. It would be good for the pearls to be worn, too.
My ex-fiance taught me what I didn't want - which turned out to be a lot more help that knowing what I did want! ;)

I'm glad you're keeping that necklace. It's one in a trillion!
Dang! I was hoping to get that necklace! It is probably the best necklace he has put together for sometime~

I approve of your decision, although it was a shocker to hear about the breakup. Those pearls will not wear out. You do need to wear them, and also make sure they don't get dried out in your closet.