Souffle set


New Member
Jan 26, 2015
I want to thank everyone on Pearl-Guide. Without you, I wouldn't have found my way to souffles. This is the first step in my pearl collection. Next week I will be out visiting PP for a strand of Tahitians!

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Oh, how gorgeous! Can we see neck and ear shots, please?

Wear your new set in the best of health -- and have a blast at PP!!!
Harmonious pearl to metal color and amazing pearls! Congratulations!
Yea. Someone new to provoke more Pearl-Envy. Welcome to the pearl bed.

Now to be completely serious ~ "Yea! Welcome to your new Pearl~Bed (and Breakfast)! We dine on PearlEnvy and EyeCandy every morning from sunrise~until ???? so bring your appetite!"

Anyway, What a super way to start your collection! Wow! Absolutely super. Do you have a long or short Wish List? or is it still in development?
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Very very very nice!
Looking forward to seeing them 'in action'...
pregcurious - What a way to start out! Your souffles are stunning and look specatular in rose gold! I too look forward to seeing them on you!
Thank you, Tucs, Katbran, lisaC, Jacques, kelluvpearls, BAS, GemGeek, CathyKeshi, PattyE, Pearl Technologies, Happy Huku, pkinnew, an Newbury. I have not worn them yet.

Lisa, I am not yet sure what I like in pearls. I generally gravitate pearls that have an extreme quality in color, overtone and/or orient.
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Well, you've made a fabulous start.

Thank God you've posted photos, for those of us who need frequent injections of eye-candy. The pain-pleasure connection is so's not mine, so your souffl? trio causes me pain, yet the beauty of it draws me to view it again,
over and over again~
Thanks JerseyPearl and hanadama.

Lisa, I've been trying to figure out my next purchase. I thought it would be some Edisons, or ripples, but I ended up buying a multicolor strand of Tahitians from PP. I posted a picture of my strand over in the Tahitian forum, and also on PS. The PS write-up is more extensive (because I have been on PS for several years.)

I wish PP had a showroom out on the East Coast. NYC would be great because I already go there once a year with my family. My husband also wants to be able to pick things out for me.
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