Something old, something new...

Ditto for the earrings ;)

A strand like those of Abalone mabes would be quite something... wouldn't it.

Maybe the other pearl mabe (unfortunately) seem as less then a 'full' pearl, but there's hardly any such competing option for abalone. Even if round-ish abalones exist, a strand is quite the far fetched proposition - so... I doubt anyone would see them as less-then-entire pearls :p

For some reason, I'd rather have a bezel on mabes - they feel unfinished, naked.. without.
Howdy Everyone!
Made a quick stop by the forum. Josh: the Chinese can be a problem for everyone not just for us...but then again, they create a solution for other people. Maybe in 10 more years there will no longer be any other pearls but Chinese. But in the meantime let us enjoy Life on Earth :rolleyes:

The Pteria penguin mabes are really nice, but all the ones I have inspected are usually thinly coated and overpolished. These do look superior but I would like to inspect them first in order to make a clear statement. The colors produced by Pteria oysters are usually extremely iridescent.

The $15K Mabe seems really nice, but I do have some 200 or more in grades AA and Gem to match that one in beauty and with different colors as well.


  • gota rojo con verde AA.JPG
    gota rojo con verde AA.JPG
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Hi Douglas!

What a beauty!! Mesmerizing and dangerous. Yes, because looking at it for more than a split second has me starting to crave earrings, pendants, rings...

You think you can guess what bivalve the mabe in my pic is from?

In defense of "Lucious", you can't tell from a photograph how it shifted color with every movement, or how transparent the surface was. You can't really compare pearls from such different creatures.

There is no question that Sea of Cortez pearls ROCK!;)

But if I could, I would have bought this unnamed Eyris: