Some of Satine de la Courcel's pearls

Thank you everyone for your encouragement, and if its okay. I will also pass it along to my mama. Who was/is my main teacher for anything artsy. Any talent I have comes from her guidance. I think she is totally amazing with her vision and what she can do. She says I put her on a pedestal and maybe I do. With all she has been though and has yet to come. Still she keeps on and is determined to keep going. I am so very proud of her.

Yes she does set the bar High for herself. She always seems to meet or exceed it. I have attached some of her work and creations. Hopefully I will get organized enough and take pictures of some of the things she has made for me. I try to "spoil" her like she has me but it is not easy. ;)


Below are Pictures of Mary's work (Sounds odd to call mama by her given name)
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Your mom has a real gift. Be sure to put more of her work up- with her name, please. Right now she is only know as "Ashby's mama"- which is great- but we don't want to call her "Ashby's mama" when it is her work!

I'd like to see another view of that ginormous ring at the beginning. I love coral and pearls together- they are positively magical. the pearl/coral earrings and ring are wonderful.

Tell me, was she the one who got you into reenacting? Are you doing that again?

I added a line to indicate the last set of Pictures are Mary's work. No she did not get me into the re-enacting. Though we both have a passion for history, learning, creating and Pearls (though she did get me into pearls).

I stopped doing the Elizabethan and Italian Renaissance studies after I picked up bellydance several years ago. Have had to stop that permanently recently. I had also switched areas of study to 16th Century Persia the art and architecture is amazing. But alas I don't do the re-enacting thing so much anymore. I anticipate stopping going to events in the next little while. It has been a lot of fun. But can be an expensive hobby and we never wanted to have this be our only outlet and avenue of fun. There are so many other things Jamie (husband) and I hope to do. Though convincing Jamie backpacking trip through part of Europe sounds like fun has not been a successful.

I did look to see to see if I had any other pictures of that particular ring for viewing. I don't. Sorry

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Mama Mary and Husband Jamie

Mama Mary and Husband Jamie

Here is a Picture of Mama Mary and my Hubby Jamie..
Pearl edged silk Kerchiefs

Pearl edged silk Kerchiefs

While condensing my picture files on the computer I had forgotten about these Some Silk pearl edged Kerchiefs. These were done for a gift friend back in the Winter. Enjoy...


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Thank you, Pattye and Gem Geek,

You are both very Kind!

Are they for Elizabethan re-enacting? Like a Chalice cover? They seem to be a good base for an altar. The cloth with an icon or photo and some flowers. they would make anything they were covered with, or were the base for, stand out.

Truly rare nowadays and so special.
Are they for Elizabethan re-enacting? Like a Chalice cover? They seem to be a good base for an altar. The cloth with an icon or photo and some flowers. they would make anything they were covered with, or were the base for, stand out.

Truly rare nowadays and so special.

Yes, they were for the Re-enacting/Re-creation Bit one of the last Projects, completed. The Lovely lady who received these does earlier periods such as 11-12th century (Think the Maid Marion look) Not sure what she will do with them. I Just hope they are enjoyed.. Ohh, Yes, they will be very pretty with say a metal thread embroidered Icon on them Very spiffy indeed!


Hi All,

While Bored this holiday weekend, I pulled out some of my pearls and undertook a small project to make a version of the Pearl Netted Necklace form the Portratit of Lady Elizabeth Brydges.
(Scroll down to see the Portrait)

Hopefully I get the attachment to work.....


that necklace is amazing!! wow, you really have patience and talent too! It is perfect on you!:)
necklace restring

necklace restring

Sorry have not really been about to much have been having a case of life ( which happens) and of all silly things a really bad "Beader's Block" to boot! Finally restrung the Pearl and Garnet Necklace with Fleur Dy Lis focal point necklace and took the opportunity to take a little better pictures as well. Enjoy!

Hi Pattye,

The fleur du lis, also one of my favorites. Love this necklace it is so versatile. Currently my new favorite. Still working on the "Beader's block".
Have some amethyst was given for the holidays still trying to figure out what to do with those, Right now just waiting for inspiration to strike.

Happy Pearling!

