Some of my pearls

I try to never buy peach strands - generally they just don't suit skin tones here. I agree with Wendy - lavender is much more popular with my customers, I just can't ask my Chinese suppliers for "pink" pearls, because that's what they call peach pearls.
Interesting... Always thought the warm pink pearl shades work better on my greenish 'jailhouse tan', but I also have a hard time finding foundation shades that fit (too pink). Never made the connection until now, LOL!
My Vietnamese Akoyas

My Vietnamese Akoyas

So it's taken me a while, but I've finally had time to resize my photos. In the process, I accidentally saved over the original file of one of the wedding photos. A little disappointed, but I have other photos to look at... should have backed it up. . . *sigh*

These first three photos were taken with the jewelry box that it came in.

And the last photo is how the necklace looks on me. :-) I wrapped them around and was able to wear the single strand as a double strand choker.


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Almost forgot, here is one other photo.

This is a close up of the vietnamese akoyas (7.5-8mm) vs Lavender Freshwater 8-9mm.

I think they both have lovely orient, but the vietnamese has a slightly better luster.

Off topic, how do you all wear your lavender strands? I've had my lavenders for a few months now and haven't worn it out of my home, and just don't know what goes well with it. The multi-colors do seem a bit more versatile and matches with anything. Having a hard time matching colors to wear my lavender strand, even though I really want to show them off ...

I'm also kind of hesitant to wear my pearls at work because the pearls are so gorgeous and we buy them at a fair price from the online vendors here, my co-workers/managers don't know that and I don't want to give the impression that I'm wealthy or they might start thinking that I get paid too much. . . LOL...



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Do these coworkers know pearls at all? If not, I say don't worry. Many will think all pearls that aren't black or white (and even some that are) are fake. Wearing pearls frequently also diminishes the perception that they were expensive-- if you wear them only occasionally, that's when they'll get attention.

If you want them to be a little less noticable, you might wear them with a button-down/collared shirt/jacket so they're only visible in the front.