Some of jerin's pearls


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2004
I'd thought I's start this thread off with one of my all time favorite necklaces, one any Queen would have been proud of. A long double freshadama with an opal clasp.


  • Freshadama mit Opalschliesse.jpg
    Freshadama mit Opalschliesse.jpg
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An American blister pearl. What orient shows in the picture!


  • All American Blisterpearl.jpg
    All American Blisterpearl.jpg
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Inge has an extensive colllection. Here is another sample. This one familiar from Zeide's collection "The Vampire Pearls" This is a necklace even though it looks like a bracelet.


  • Vampirperlencolliersmall.jpg
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Here are several of her collection laid out side by side. That looks like the long freshadama at the bottom and the double akoya at the top.


  • Vergleich zwischen Salz- und S?sswasserperlensmall.jpg
    Vergleich zwischen Salz- und S?sswasserperlensmall.jpg
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Fantastic! :cool: ... Love those bats!!! Yay! Are you wearing them?
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Hi Ana,

The bat pearls were a gift to Inge and I have a picture of her actually wearing them. Last Halloween my personal strand was highly coveted by a teenage friend of my daughter but I sometimes wear it just to smile at people. O.k. for that you have to know that my dentition is somewhat transsylvanic inclined. Before my recent illness sparked off a so-called super eruption, I used to have pronounced fangs. I could scare the living daylights out of anybody wearing these and flashing my fangs at them.

Honestly, Zeide, you make me laugh so hard!!! I needed that! those are some pearls!! How big are the Freshadama? They look like 10mm at least. Did you string it yourself? Love the clasp and length.
pattye said:
Honestly, Zeide, you make me laugh so hard!!! I needed that! those are some pearls!! How big are the Freshadama? They look like 10mm at least. Did you string it yourself? Love the clasp and length.

Hi, all

these pearls are jerin pearls, not Zeide?s. However, the beautiful blue freshwaterbats I got as a gift from her. I have worn them several times but over here in Sweden people do not very easily comment, which I personally think a pity, because they are really something....

The double strand of Freshadamas have size 8 - 9 mm.

Most of my necklaces are from Jeremys Pearl Paradise, the Tahitian strand is from the Pearl Outlet and the double strand of Akoyas has Amanda as vendor. I am very pleased with all my purchases and the blister pendant does not really show the beautiful orient in the picture, but it is there, believe me...

Thank You Caitlin for posting some of my pearly treasures...
Hi Inge,

You have a very lovely classic collection there. The double freshwaters
are super.

Show us your pearls

Show us your pearls

Hi, Slraep

Thank You. Yes, I am very proud of my pearls. Thanks to Zeide I am also owner of some smashing baroque pieces and I think You too have very fine pearls, especially the ones You are wearing in the picture of the wood. They do shine even though there are many shadows around.
What a lovely collection! I'm thinking of a triple strand (17-18-19) of 8-9 mm (or maybe 7-8 mm?) Freshadamas. They can't match the larger ones right now (they certainly sell out fast!), but maybe when Jeremy gets back. In the meantime, I was tempted by the AAA strands Jeremy's offering this month, but I'm going to be patient!

What do you all think? Larger or smaller?

Hi Perle,

I'd love to see a longer triple strand (20-21-22 inches) in large high-orient baroques. That would be decadently gorgeous. Matching triple drop earrings and triple bracelet are mandatory.

Zeide Erskine said:
Hi Inge,

I love your collection. Some of your pictures I have incorporated in my screen saver. Maybe someday I will manage to come up with a Viking-inspired design that will solicit comments from the even the most reserved Scandinavian.


That would be great! Some people over here have commented on the batpearls, but only because they know me, otherwise they just look and then pretend not to have seen anything out of the ordinary!:o
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Perle said:
What a lovely collection! I'm thinking of a triple strand (17-18-19) of 8-9 mm (or maybe 7-8 mm?) Freshadamas. They can't match the larger ones right now (they certainly sell out fast!), but maybe when Jeremy gets back. In the meantime, I was tempted by the AAA strands Jeremy's offering this month, but I'm going to be patient!

What do you all think? Larger or smaller?


Depends on age, looks and courage! If You have the guts, why don?t go for the larger. On the other hand a triple strand will be very nice even though you have smaller size-pearls. The amount of pearls alone will make sure that people are going to see them. And if the quality is high, certainly women will admire the strands.:)
Zeide Erskine said:
Hi Perle,

I'd love to see a longer triple strand (20-21-22 inches) in large high-orient baroques. That would be decadently gorgeous. Matching triple drop earrings and triple bracelet are mandatory.


Let?s get decadent!