SOC Birthday Present..Such Perfect timing.

Congratulations on your beautiful SoC ring! I love the pearl and the band is perfect! Thanks for sharing Dog Dog with us!!!
Thanks again everyone for all the kind Bday wishes and the puppy love lol. :o
You've all helped make my birthday fun!
I knew there was a pic somewhere, but couldn't find it so here is a newer Pic of Dog Dog with her tiny FWP pendant.

I take no credit for her adorableness…I just added an amethyst twist around her neck for fun…of course she hated it, but it was a sunny day so why not. I think we should create a post in the Non pearl related forum just for pics of our pets. I love animals. (Pets and Pearls lol)

That is so stinkin cute!
now you have to find it lol

She is wonderful...somewhere I have a photo of my dog draped in jewels...she hated every second! but I agree...she is "stinkin cute"!
Oh I don't know what I like to talk about more..the fur baby or jewelry. I could get into a pet pic thread!
BPDDC, that is a gorgeous ring! beautiful on you, really cool, with diamonds and without them. Thanks for sharing.
Tucs & Cathy thanks : ) Can't take credit for the beauty of either sadly enough LOL.