So pretty, but so...undrilled!


Nov 11, 2012
Just a few photos of my new whip cream dollop pairs. These little guys have definitely charmed me, but waaah! they're undrilled. Should I reach out to some local jewelers to ask about pearl drilling or should I be afraid to trust just anyone with them? (I am!) I'm sure there's a risk of damage, which is probably why so few vendors offer drilling service for outside pearls. It would take some care, but I'm sure someone could top drill these little babies, no?

These are my favorites, chunky and delicious:

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These are rounded with slender peaks:

P4220179 (800x800).jpgP4220180 (800x800).jpgP4220181 (800x800).jpg
I'm guessing that local jewellers won't have a proper pearl drill and will send them off somewhere and you will pay for that. You might be better sending them to a specialist yourself..It has to be done at your risk though, as, as Mikeyy said in another thread, sometimes things can go wrong in drilling, in spite of best care.
If you do stay local check they have a drill themselves and that the work will be done on the premisies.
Thank you, Wendy. I found a vendor with drilling service and an ultrasonic drill. But she doesn't use it to drill pearls :(

Does anyone know how effective it is to use a flex shaft attached to a pearl thingamajig? Like this one.

It would be nice to have a drill, but they're big bucks and it's not worth it for occasional projects.

(LOL, still open to drilling service but always getting sidetracked with the many *possibilities.)
Does anyone know how effective it is to use a flex shaft attached to a pearl thingamajig? Like this one.

It would be nice to have a drill, but they're big bucks and it's not worth it for occasional projects.

This type of drill works system works. I have it as well as a flex shaft. I drill south sea, tahitians, freshwaters.... etc... You do need to be very careful. I have ruined a few pearls, (not completely in some cases.)
Thank you, katkashmir :) What are the biggest things to be careful of?
I drill with a Japanese pearl drill, and the biggest danger is that cute little top. This includes centering it and also blowing the top off, which isn't an "official" term, but sometimes it happens.
Please excuse if this idea is way off, but given the expense and possibility of damaging the tops with drilling, would it work to just forego the drilling and glue caps (whatever they're correctly called) on them instead?
PearlDreams, I've always loved your pearl and bail choice. Just gorgeous! Thank you for posting it again here for me to admire again.

I might clarify that I'd never try drilling these specific pearls myself bc I wouldn't want to ruin them with an inexperienced hand. But in the future it seems like a less expensive drill setup might be a good thing to have. A surprising number of pearls come undrilled and it's a big pain. I've passed up several but really wanted these.

I know a couple of lapidaries that I'm going to check with next. My jeweler has made a couple of mistakes in the past so I hesitate there.

Sea Urchin, gluing on a bail doesn't seem like a bad idea at all, but for these I'd just like eye pins. the risk of showing my nerdiness, those look like tamagotchi faces to me. And at the risk of getting kicked into next Tuesday, I'd probably be tempted to draw eyes on them. o.O So cute!
I cannot wait to see these finished! They are so unique :) Please make sure you post pictures!
I quite like the idea of the pinch bail (Pearl Dreams I love love love that pendant!) and side drilling the 'pointy' ones. But I'm the complete amateur when it comes to drilling here so listen the the other guys! Gluing the top is a good idea too if you can find something that fits it perfectly...saves worrying about damage to the pearl...tho I suppose you could always go that route if the drill does damage the top?
Hello, bluebirrrd, what ever became of these whipped-cream dollops?
Thanks for bumping this thread, Lisa! I had missed it before. What beauties these pearls are!
Yes bluebirrrd, would love to hear what you ultimately did to solve the drilling risks?
LOVE these pearls!! :)

Hi there! They're still undrilled (hides face in shame). I would feel weird asking the pearl vendors here since I bought them elsewhere, but I checked with several lapidaries and jewelers and none wanted to try. I got pretty excited when I found a girl with a super high tech ultrasonic drill, and she said no too. I still have faith they can be top drilled and I really just want simple eye pins so I'm holding out. I'm also not buying anymore undrilled pearls for now, although I just couldn't resist these lovelies.
You guys! I just had a thought - you know how you can dip pliers in some liquid, and it makes a coat? Could she dip the pearl in something like that, or a glue to sort of hold things together, so they don't explode while drilling? Then scrape it off or clean it off in Attack after drilling?

You know the concept, it's like putting tape over a spot where you're going to drill through plaster to put a nail or picture. It keeps the edges of the hole from splintering and looking ragged.

Another thought is similar to FrenchPearl's new setting for her old pearls. Like a swing seat, only make it of wire - the barest hint of a wire-wrapping.
Oh, Jeremy Shepherd, you are a sweetheart!

Bluebirrrd, how thrilling is this!?! I can't wait to see your earrings!

(Wait a minute - you don't think he's offering to avert a pearl-dipping-disaster, do you? Huff. Well, I think it was a good idea.

At least as good as when my son decided to harness himself to a wall-sconce lamp, with a shoulder strap that hauls the vacuum cleaner around, and jump off the back of the couch. He was convinced he could parachute-dive. He'd just watched ReadingRainbow, so he knew all about it. [He was even wearing a backpack, tho he wasn't aware he had to pack the chute. Kid you not!]

In all fairness, he'd done a reasonable facsimile of proper harnessing, so he wouldn't have choked to death. Not bad for a 4yo. The wall-sconce would never have been the same...I almost had a stroke, but caught him before the jump.

That was back when my heart was young and strong.)
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I don't mind drilling them for you. They would be simple enough to do.

What?!? Oh my gosh, thank you! A sweetheart is right, but maybe more like a kind pearl guardian. Lol, Lisa, your idea was good but you're probably partially right. For pearl's sake, let's leave this to the pros.