Silver Blue Akoya Bracelet

Thanks, SeaUrchin! Are they mysterious and mercurial? I bet they are.
Yes! Close up, they are really not very high quality. They have lots of bumps, discolorations and holes even. But they really are gleamy and wonderful at just a couple of feet away.
Pearls are so weird​, aren't they!?!? Is your wrist far enough away that it's a visually pleasurable spot? I hope so.
Yes, Lisa. They look metallic silver, they really stand out and look great except when I put them right in my own face haha. In fact the only thing I don't like is... there aren't nearly enough!
Speaking of, anyone know what I should get to knot them with? (I accidently ordered a short ebay strand because I need more!)
I think a light or medium shade of grey silk would look nice. Really pretty color in your photos Sea Urchin :)
Beautiful blue baroque Akoyas Sea Urchin! They look natural.
I typically use gray silk thread #E Champion Silk by Gudebrod Inc.
Lovely blue Akoyas Sea Urchin. They are simply unique and I bet they look stunning on you :)

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Silver blue akoyas can be natural or dyed. I have owned both.
My naturally colored ones are in my album; I gave away the dyed ones.
Since then, I bought a used silver-grey akoya necklace on ebay. Next to it, my bracelet does look silver-blue. I wish I would have just gotten the PP one in the first place. It looks bigger and better for what I've spent anyway. It seems like every time I think I've found a pearl "steal," well, not so much, haha.
There should not be a hold on attachments. But, it happens sometimes.... See the little tree in the boxes above where you write the post? It is between the break link and the video buttons. Click on that and paste your photo in or upload them from that box. When you use that one, you can put the photo anywhere in your post.
... See the little tree in the boxes above where you write the post? It is between the break link and the video buttons. Click on that and paste your photo in or upload them from that box. When you use that one, you can put the photo anywhere in your post.

Now that is something I did not know, and am glad to learn.

I thought they are all dyed. What's the difference between them?

The dyed ones often have dark spots that are places where the dye pooled in surface imperfections or around the drill holes.
See this thread-- it has great photos of both kinds:

I just want to show my pearls here. Nothing to do with fulfilling the shill profile. I can not post any photos because I just registered an account on PG? Anyway, I'll do it after I figure it out.

Thats great, Julie. I took my post down immediately after you changed your style. (By that I mean your phrasing looked more like a real poster, although that doesn't really explain clearly, sorry.) Your second and third posts on the site were critical, in the nature of passing on 'experienced' feedback. There's nothing wrong with that, we welcome feedback here, but it's kind of early in the game, without establishing your 'Bona Fides'.

I should've let it go, because Shills burn out fast. They're in business, they need to make money fast and they don't usually have the time or patience to cultivate relationships by posting frequently.

I hope you'll accept my apology if you're a genuine contributor, and continue participating here. Why don't you tell us more about yourself as we look forward to your photos? When you have time, of course, no pressure!
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Glad you got good pearls- and she did seem to be a perfectly nice person when she posted. The problem was no honest person uses another company's pearl photos and or text. That is a trick that only certain mainland Chinese dealers have used. And we have a number of examples over the years of our members' photos being stolen.

Cheating may seem to be a small transgression in itself, I suppose, but it does not impress me as a good business tactic. As soon as you mentioned her name, I thought about how she cheated. My impression was already formed and I see no reason to change it without the owners saying they now use only their own photos. But that is not the whole story.

When this has happened here before, the site owner often blames the factory for using stolen photos saying they did not know, but got the photos with the goods. So what the deal seems to be is that these people are nothing but fronts for the Chinese factories who supply them. They get the stuff to sell and the photos from the factory and probably the webpages already set up. They are probably not independent owners, but actually employees of the Chinese outlets.

This kind of outfit is simply not the best place to spend pearl money. No matter how nice the individual proprietor is, the people who employ them are pretty much a racket using nice young women to front for them.
I am duplicating a psot I made made elsewhere- over here. It explains what I think is going on with PearlsOnly and Pearllace.
I just looked at their site. (PearlsOnly) They seem to be a franchise. They pay people an 8% commission for selling their pearls.​
They are headquartered in Houston, but have affiliates in several other countries. Your person no doubt did not have the goods, but was selling for a company that did, who then shipped it out. Kind of like selling Avon, I guess. Probably a good reason to find a company that does their own business from scratch and actually possesses the goods when someone buys them.​
I just answered another post with a variation on this same story. It looks like Big Companies, probably often Chinese, are setting up little franchises where the pearls and websites are set up by the company and the "Owner" of the franchise must market and sell the product. Sometimes they find us and invite us to look at their website. We do, and often there are stolen photos from legitimate pearl sellers at which point we tell them so and they say they had no idea about stolen photos- the "factory" supplied them along with the pearls and the website itself.​

I am just figuring this out, but I think I am onto something.