Show your "Play Pearls!'

Yes, this is curious. Would you please take a piece of the string and burn it? If it powders it's a natural fiber. If it forms a bead at the burn site, it's synthetic. If it powders and beads it's a blend of these.

im assuming this is an endless strand with no clasp. Correct? Thank you for indulging my curiosity.
Okay, Lisa. When I take it apart, I will be sure to burn a piece. Also, thanks, that's interesting.
Love the klonks! Wow, it's odd that you're having so much trouble with the thread. I'm sure would like feedback on their vendor.
Thanks, PD. Klonks are fun. I am sending the new broken pink strand back for a new one. Hopefully that one will hold together for a while at least.

The black strand that broke is 64", 8-9 mm. Do you all think #20 moss colored PowerPro is what I should buy for it or should I get the #30? The pearls aren't that large but what about the weight from it being such a long strand?

Buy the size that fits through the holes, then can double back through the holes. 20# doubled has 40 lbs of pressure to break it. Your fingers will break before the thread. Silk takes less than ten to break.

I first bought powerpro when I had a bunch of black roundish pearls all 14-15mm. The strand was 30 " long and the silk stretched before I wore it out the door. I went on a hunt for thread that could take that kind of weight and PowerPro was the best available. That necklace has not stretched since then- about 6 years ago. So that is why I started pushing Powpro,but as I used it more and more I found more to like than not- but I have said that in many old threads and gone into great detail. The moss green looks fine with black and other colored pearls. The knots are tiny and neat and the color looks great. Moss green is almost a medium gray color.
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Most of you have seen this strand before~109 endless inches of true "pondslime." Play pearls for sure, inexpensive potato shape, natural bronze, purple, with strong pastel overtones, even some metallics. Pearl size is about 10.5mm at the widest point. Do you think these qualify as natural brown pearls?