Share your Pearl Paradise Private Launch Purchases!

I'm still not getting either preview or release emails. I think it's the pearl-gods saving me from myself. LOL! :rolleyes:
I have not been getting preview emails, at all. But I have gotten the release emails.
For the past 2 drops, I set alarm and refreshed pages. Emails come in around the same time as everyone mentioned.

Yesterday email came in and is time-stamped in my inbox 4:04pm. I immediately clicked through and half of inventory was already gone.
I'm a pretty good sniper and have sniped a lot of things in the Feb release and just hard to imagine being so slow and out of luck on the new system with the May releases.

I really wanted to fancy colored metallic freshwater - I've been obsessed about those since I saw Cathy's strand at the 2016 Ruckus. Bummed that strand eluded me again! WAAHHH!!!
I would be very happy if the private launch resumed its preview policy. A lot of pressure to make lightning rod decisions. And please finesse it so ALL VIP's get the launch email on time.
I got my email at 4:04pm & the metallic pearls were already gone. I would like to know what happened to all those loose SS's that were suppose to be released in different size lots. I only saw 1 release & that was for the huge ones of which I bought 1 for a special project.
I got busy at work (the nerve of my employer!) and couldn't get on until 4:26, and that metallic strand was gone, which didn't surprise me, but it is a shame to hear it went so quickly - well, good for PP, I guess, but a shame that it was gone before emails were sent out.
The copper-gold metallic was gone by the time I got the email at 4:02!
Hopefully the buyer will post photos so we can enjoy it vicariously. :)
I would be very happy if the private launch resumed its preview policy. A lot of pressure to make lightning rod decisions. And please finesse it so ALL VIP's get the launch email on time.

I agree - decision under pressure is never fun!
I don't think it's even possible to ensure that everyone gets the emails at the same time. Different email providers etc.
But I like the idea of a preview.
I agree - decision under pressure is never fun!

I'm not a fan of competitive shopping, either. For myself, these launches are all about what was offered.

I did like the Tahitian pendants.
I enjoyed looking at the offerings. I miss that. My email address where I received the notices is gone and I have no excuse to sign up, so please post photos of your purchases. I am very interested to see what people have picked. :)
Hi all :)

I'm not dead.

I've been enjoying catching up on the posts.

Hope all at PG are well.

I think I am not the only one to covet those stunning metallic copper-gold pearls, but they were gone when I checked. I hope whoever was lucky enough to purchase those beauties posts them here.
Today we have another VIP launch. To the members who have been fortunate to consistently receive notifications and access to the site, how close to the appointed time do you receive your email? I am on the east coast-4PM is the start. When would I receive my notification? Thanks.
These Edison drops popped onto my screen a few weeks ago, and I couldn't resist. I didn't have a plan for them but fortunately Peter emailed before shipment. With Hisano's help we decided on the Escalier settings in brushed (leaving the 'metallic' for the pearls) rose gold. iPhone photography, by Peter and by me.

Exotic drop edisons from Pearl Paradise