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Beautiful Kojima choices, BW!! Love the Tahitian tin cup!!! And your freshwater keshis look like a pearl rainbow!! They don't look brown on my monitor! Beautiful colors!!
Wow, no your photos don't suck BWeaves :) Rainbows of colors, even if they are a bit muted in comparison to real life ... and that double sided earring pearl, WOW you made my day flipping it over to show the colors on the other side. Tahitian keshi rope ... perfection. Rest up and feel better soon.
Fabulous freshwater keshi with great shapes, size, and colors. And, that Tahitian keshi tin cup is a delight for the eyes. Get well soon so that you can model them for us.
Red, those are lovely Tahitians .. they glow ! And I do think the opal colour is great.. very intense - I think I'd put a Green in there!

BWeaves - Love all the new pieces !! You've gone Tin Cup Crazy ! Fabulous colours - at the show there was a ton of Purple and that Rose colour this year... and very intense golden apricot ! You picked up some beauties !
Beautiful, beautiful pearls, Bweaves. Can’t wait to see neck shots. Hope you feel better soon.
Oh, I can sense a quick recovery in your house BWeaves, so you can play with your new pearls! I have a feeling your T rope won't be alone for long. They are addicting because you can admire the colors all day long. Get well soon!
Really pretty new tin cups, BWeaves! They are both great choices.
I posted photos of my new Kojima goodies on the Show Us Your Pearls thread, so I won't repeat those here.

BUT I NEED HELP! My new pair of PP Natural White Hanadama studs arrived today, and I just cannot decide. I've already written off the 8 mm as too small, so I'm sending those back to PP. So now it's between the 9 mm natural whites, or the pinked 9mm ones I bought at Ruckus and already own. The natural whites have .45 mm nacre and my pinked ones have .5 mm nacre.

Left to right: 8mm natural white Hanadamas, the newest 9 mm natural white Hanadamas, my pinked 9 mm Hanadamas. I think my pearls have the highest luster and sharpest reflections.


New 9 mm natural whites.


My pinked 9 mm


New 9 mm natural white studs with my 8 mm natural white Hanadama rope.


Pinked 9 mm studs with my 8 mm natural white Hanadama rope.


With my natural white Hanadama rope (bottom) and pinked baroque akoyas (top).


Natural white studs top, my pinked studs bottom, and my rope in between. Different lighting.

All the pearls are such high quality, that I'm not sure if it's worth changing for a slight change of color that nobody will notice. I'm not sure I don't like the ones I already own best.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? I trust your opinions.
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I like the way the pinked 9mm sit on your ear better than the white 9mm. I don't know why, maybe the whites are a tiny bit larger?
I like the way the pinked ones sit on my ear, too. Although that may be because I have monster backs on them, and the whites have medium backs (which actually are fairly small). I regular sized backs are just too small for my fingers to manage and make the studs droop too much.
I like the new 9mm Natural White Hanadamas for the way they look with your rope. Agree with Red about the way they sit on your ears though. Have you tried switching the backs just to see how they sit with the larger backs?
Yes, I have swapped the backs out, and the monster backs help with making the pearls sit up nicely on the earlobe.

When I'm wearing the 9 mm pairs, I just don't see enough difference between the two pairs when they are actually on my ears. I noticed more of a difference in color when wearing the 8 mm studs, but the difference may also have been due to the size difference.

The 9 mm white pair actually doesn't match my rope, either. I wasn't going for matchy matchy, but it's interesting how many different colors of white pearls there are. They're all stunningly perfect pearls. Can't go wrong with any of them.
All the pearls are such high quality, that I'm not sure if it's worth changing for a slight change of color that nobody will notice. I'm not sure I don't like the ones I already own best.
^ This! :) All the options look really nice, but if it were me, I'd stay with the pinked 9mm ones.
Well, if you stay with the ones you already have, it's money that could go toward ... NEW ... pearls :) No wrong decisions here ...