Share your Pearl Paradise Private Launch Purchases!

I really do enjoy seeing necklaces on people or a bust too. I hate when pictures are taken on a mirror. The picture gets so cluttered and you can't tell what you're looking at because everything is doubled. I love closeups. I want closeups of everything I buy. It's disappointing to me to get something and not like it because I didn't have enough pictures to have a good idea of the item.
I'm tempted by the small round akoyas, but there's only one left, and I wanted a rope.

But I'm also playing in the Kojima and Kamoka vaults right now, and Ruby Pearl is glaring at me telling me I've spent enough this month.

-->Sorry I am reading this thread from end to beginning - just found this topic!

Can you please explain what "Ruby Pearl" is? thanks
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Hi Linda: I had to buy a new car last week, and it's color was listed as ruby pearl. It's a metalic, pearly red color, so I've named the car Ruby Pearl. She seriously cut into my pearl budget, if you know what I mean.
I'm confused.I thought yesterday's private launch said that today Saturday, they would be offering new steals and deals. The time has long past and I do not see a new launch page for today 2/16. Did I misunderstand?
I don't see new releases yet either. But the PP team has been working around the clock for the entire Feb so I say let them get to it when they get to it. I too experience the anxiety and heart attack waiting for new drops/releases, but I'm sure they are working as fast as they can lol! ;)
Hi Linda: I had to buy a new car last week, and it's color was listed as ruby pearl. It's a metalic, pearly red color, so I've named the car Ruby Pearl. She seriously cut into my pearl budget, if you know what I mean.

Thanks and congratulations on the new car!
I don't see new releases yet either. But the PP team has been working around the clock for the entire Feb so I say let them get to it when they get to it. I too experience the anxiety and heart attack waiting for new drops/releases, but I'm sure they are working as fast as they can lol! ;)

I have found it frustrating because there doesn’t seem to be any consistency about what happens at various
times and on other days. But then I think they may be going crazy busy because of the Valentine’s Day orders.
I'm confused.I thought yesterday's private launch said that today Saturday, they would be offering new steals and deals. The time has long past and I do not see a new launch page for today 2/16. Did I misunderstand?

I wonder if they meant the next business day by 'Tomorrow' since they don't usually post on the weekends. At least I remember they didn't last Sunday... does anyone remember if there were any new uploads last Sat? If not, then it means we have to wait until Monday, I think.
They didn't have any new drops over the past weekend for sure. Though the drop on Friday did say sorry no new stuff today but will try to give you guys something new over the weekend. I think they are just backlogged and mobbed, and I'm sure it will resume when they surface for a breather!
If not, then it means we have to wait until Monday, I think.

Monday is a holiday in the US, so maybe it's included in "weekend."
I was going to ask about the lack of an update. I feel better that it's not just me that didn't see any change in the website. At least I didn't miss anything.
I'm still up in the air about the Edisons. I'd have to see them all in person, which isn't viable by mail order. I love the big chunky rings, but none of them are big enough for my knuckles. I need a size 8. Plus, I'm still waiting on my order from Kojima. Sarah's still working on a design for the earrings. I'm afraid I'm always a bit overwhelmed by the launch site. It's great, but I wish the photos were better.
Hi Mtummybear, I bought the Rikitea pearls. It will take a while to get them here (I am in New York and PParadise has been very busy) but I will certainly post pictures when I have them. I do hope I will love them ... I have some other Rikitea pearls in earrings and they are really nice.
That's awesome. Believe it's from the same batch as my Mom's Rikitea strand, which is amazing.