Share your Pearl Paradise Private Launch Purchases!

Thank you Andrew. I'm sure your Mom will love all her goodies for many years, especially coming from you. We have so enjoyed your Pearl journey and look forward to seeing mom's Tahitians in a neck shot soon.
Yes please, Andrew! I would love to see neck shots of your Mom's Tahitians! What a thoughtful gift!
Andrew, your mom looks wonderful in her QE2 pearl necklace! Very regal! You hit it out of the park with the pearl gifts. Would love to see neck shots of that glorious Tahitian necklace!! Please, pretty please!!
Hah, I see the neckshots of the Tahitian necklace are in very high demand! I am visiting grandparents for the next day or so, and when I get home I will be sure that mom gets them out to take a photo!

Thanks for all the compliments, everyone. :)
As so highly desired, here is a Tahitian neck shot! They are really beautiful pearls, and actually very easy to take photos of. Doesn't take much to get the colors in this strand to jump at you.

There are so many pearls in the strand that have peacock tones in them that it's amazing. Truly a remarkable strand. I'll post a few more individual photos and some of the cool pearls + commentary when I update the KJM thread. :)

Colorful Rikitea Tahitians from Pearl Paradise
For some reason, P-G's uploader makes the photo a little more pink-toned than it should be, but otherwise the colors hold true. (And, ditto, Purr! :) )
That remains a stunning Tahitian strand. They look amazing on your mom, and I hope she wears them a lot.
That is such a colourful strand. Absolutely gorgeous. May your mother wear it in good health!
That really is the most amazing Tahitian strand I've ever seen. You and your Mom hit the jackpot on that one.
Andrew thoss Tahitians are like a strand of holiday lights gracing your mother’s neck in the lovliest possible way ... extraordinary choice!
Thanks for the kind comments, everyone! -- Did anyone here at P-G end up with one of the gold ombre strands? :)
Andrew, the only gold ombré purchase that I’m aware of is jeg’s. Other buyers may not be PGers which is too bad because I love when folks share.

Sooo, I received one the Edison strands, thanks to the keep-it-in-the-PG-family “protocol”! Here is a recap: Red purchased a purple Edison and BAS bought one of the burgundies. BAS loved her burgundy but Red’s purple wasn’t her cup of tea so she sent it back and BAS bought it. After careful consideration, BAS returned the burgundy, kept the purple, and the burgundy came to me!

Thank you, BAS and Red!!

Lavender Edisons pearl paradise
Aubergine purple pearls from Pearl Paradise
Lavender pearl love
Colorful and lustrous pearl paradise pearls