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Natural color edison pearl necklace from Pearl Paradise
Natural white Hanadamas are just the perfect pearl, aren't they? They glow and have a mirror shine. And the orient. And Wow, .7 mm thickness on the nacre. They're just perfect.
BAS - So pleased you like the burgundy Edisons. That 55 looks absolutely fabulous around your neck. As I mentioned to you, it did absolutely nothing for me.

I'm thinking of heading into my jeweler after the holidays for a consult on Fireball 42. I held it up to my tiny baroque pistachio akoyas, and I think it is a match made in heaven. So, probably a pendant with a large bale.
WOW I missed this thread for a couple of days and all heck breaks loose !! Now there are too many to comment on !! All Stunning !
Purr - gorgeous ripples !
Red- That light bronze Tahitian is beautiful the colour reminds me of Fiji pearls and that Fireball is beautiful.
Andrew - The suspense is broken - what a stunning strand ! Well done .. like little mirrors !
BAS- omg those Edisons ! What colour!! They look fabulous on you !! That was a great swap !
Lizard- What a beautiful pearl and I love the little akoya on top !
Halcyon - Great photo ! And the Edisons are beautiful - those cherry T's ... wowser!
BWeaves - That metallic Keshi ... gorgeous. Don't you love the lustre on Keshi !

And somewhere back there are some beautiful Blue Akoya ! Quite a difference in the colours - There is definitely a Silver Blue and a Blue Silver with those Akoya ! Gorgeous !
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How beautiful, Andrew!!! The luster is phenomenal!! I would love to find that necklace under my tree!!
Thanks so much! And BWeaves, I'm in total agreement. They are gorgeous. Here is an "in hand" photo (literally). It is hard to capture how amazing and changing they really are. This one actually reminds me an awful lot of GemGeek's strand. And, they are WHITE WHITE WHITE!

Pearl Paradise natural whites
BAS love the reds on your Edisons! My burgundy strand seem to have more pinks and purples in them.
As promised some neck shots of the Edison.

Pearl Paradise edison

The cherry Tahitians are so difficult to photograph in the right light. I tried today again and this is as best as it gets in natural light!

Cherry Tahitian strand Pearl Paradise
Cherry Tahitian necklace pearl paradise

Taking advantage of the good evening light, I took out the studs.
First pair from PP is a match to the cherry Tahitian strand. Second is a light mauve pair from Kamoka. Lastly a pair of loose pearls from an Etsy seller.
Tahitian Studs: Pearl Paradise Kamoka Etsy

I love the purples! Wish they were easier to capture. A photographic challenge! Looking for more future tips from Andrew :)
Halcyon, your strand is absolutely stunning on your neck! Wear it in good health!
BAS- those are stunning on your neck ( love the grape earrings, too!)

Andrew- just perfect akoyas meant for royalty. (Mom)
cmd2014-Where it says Release 1- click here. Then even more confusing-- make sure you hit the drop down for select strand-- cause I didn't see it ( when you get to the product page on PP) I didn't get the strand I wanted-- I found this process very confusing and not user friendly.

Thanks. The link didn't pop up for me. And then I refreshed the page and it was there. It's not a big deal - I'm only looking not buying.
Do we think any of the VIP burgundy Edison’s went back and might still be for sale? I’d love an actual burgundy strand
Andrew, those Akoya are drool worthy. The luster is just amazing! Mom will be over the moon!
Halcyon, your Edison strand is stunning. And those Cherry T's....OMG....fantastic!!