Sea of Cortez on eBay

Pattye..have you got any photos of you with Douglas to send this twerp to shut him up? Or just pass his details on to Douglas so Douglas can have a short sharp conversation with him (or her)
After I posted a short, moderately polite (I tried hard) questioning note, I got 11 emails from this person within an hour yesterday. I THINK this person might really believe these are SOC ... and also might be ... well, troubled ...
After I posted a short, moderately polite (I tried hard) questioning note, I got 11 emails from this person within an hour yesterday. I THINK this person might really believe these are SOC ... and also might be ... well, troubled ...

CathyKeshi - A normal person who has made a mistake will try to discover the truth. They don't viciously attack the questioner. I don't see any evidence that he/she has reached out to attempt to determine whether his pearls are really Sea of Cortez pearls. Only he knows where he obtained them, and IF he paid a big price for cheap Chinese pearls, you think he would want to know so he doesn't make that mistake again. My conclusion is that he is fully aware that these are cheap Chinese pearls.

You should not feel bad in any way. Consider the source of those terrible comments.
Just got off the phone with Ebay, advised them of my report and that of others, including from Douglas, about this fraudulent listing. Also that the seller continues to call me a fraud and liar. Who knows what will happen next.

Oh my, Cathy, 11 emails!! Don't take it personally, as Red says.

Beatriz, Douglas has mentioned that Chinese freshwater pearls are now widely sold in Mexico as Sea of Cortez pearls, at high prices. Discouraging to say the least.
Other pearls can fluoresce to various degrees, so it isn't concrete proof, but in combination with their distinctive nacre, you can get a good idea.
...Douglas has mentioned that Chinese freshwater pearls are now widely sold in Mexico as Sea of Cortez pearls, at high prices. Discouraging to say the least.

So it it possible this seller bought them genuinely believing they had bought actual Sea of Cortez pearls?
So it it possible this seller bought them genuinely believing they had bought actual Sea of Cortez pearls?

I'm sure there are people purchasing pearls in Mexico thinking that they are Sea of Cortez pearls when they are not. It is still immoral to try to sell them by misleading others once you know the truth.

No excuses for this eBay seller's behavior in my book.
And more, I hope ebay takes action soon.

You sabotage sales and are very rude to us that do sell on ebay. Your store on facebook has spray painted pearls. Im not a pearl expert but i do know paint. And those pearls have something called orange peel. I have every intention prooving that you are a fraud. You like to bead so you are an expert? Or you are a sociopath who lies and manipulates....

- jillin32
Oh Pattye, that jillin person accused you of that?!?! How awful, how ignorant, how rude, how RIDICULOUS...I'm sputtering......

BTW - "new without tags" but also belonged to a wealthy aunt... I suppose it could happen, but really, this story or a similar version has been run by PGers so many times, with the violent protests of injustice when they get caught...just wrong.
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The seller's story to me is that the pearls belonged to a well-off aunt.

Baloney. The "hey, they aren't even my pearls" and "how can you accuse an innocent old lady of anything" excuses. Just convinces me even more that they know exactly what they are doing.

People who take other people's money like this are not nice people. They might try to fake it for a while, but they are really, really not nice at all.
Well, we've done about all we can for the moment. the listing is about to run out, but likely will be relisted.

Lisa, the ones I feel bad for are Douglas and his Team, they work so darned hard and get abused like this. I have a thick skin by now, and an excellent reputation over the long term on ebay, etsy, including a profile on linkedin. With a few peeps at least, the GIA Pearl Graduate degree gives a little cred, too, lol. Speaking up is important; not something I've always done, but intend to continue in the future and hopefully you will also. Many thanks to each; don't be discouraged by this particularly unpleasant person. Red, thank you again for bring this listing to our attention.
Yes. It is quite possible....but I mean: can you really expect to purchase a necklace worth $2000 USD from a street vendor with some 50 other similar necklaces for sale hanging from a stick?!?!?!
jillin32 might believe she has one of our pearl necklaces...but it simply looks like potatoe-shaped & dyed Chinese FWPs.
If there is just one ounce of uncertainty...she should not offer the piece until she has complete certainty.

Did you notice the pearls do not have a knot between them? We don't do that!

Did you notice that the UV photos just come out inert??? No pink-red glow there! Except on the photo he/she stole from my Blog.

Could not make eBay remove the article. The bid is about to end anyway.

Hope the seller will think twice about using this necklace...maybe she can offer it as another Sustainable Pearl like "Kamoka Pearls"... Hey Josh!!! Beware of this seller!!!
I finally managed to reach out the seller. She had actually contacted me some 30 days before she posted the item on auction and asked me if the pearls could be Cortez Pearls. I could not tell her without actually looking at the pearls and I suggested a GIA report/certificate.

She seems like an honest individual but all of us here at the forum have seen this happen before...haven't we??? Told her I would PERSONALLY VOUCH for her pearls if she has a GIA certificate because I believe that if I have wronged someone I should set things straight and make amends.

And I have to thank you all -dear Forum/Ruckus friends- for your Support and Help. You know very well how this situation -an unethical seller- affects our name and good-standing. It has happened way too many times before.

Thank you again and G-d Bless!
I sent a message to the seller a few days ago telling Jillin32 that she was selling a Chinese freshwater strand and not a Cortez strand. She responded (very nastily) claiming to have some sort of confirmation from someone AT Sea of Cortez. She was clearly referring to you, Douglas, and you did not tell her it was an SoC strand like she claimed.
Still a little research on the part of the seller would easily resolve any doubts they should "reasonably" have after being informed there is a problem with the listing. A reasonable person would pause and a reasonable, honest person would do the research to validate their claim or dispel the doubt. A reasonable person would not respond with an 11 email tirade that lacks cohesive trains of thought. Honest mistakes happen, but this (even if they purchased from someone claiming they are SOC dealers etc) is not how you respond to potential customers.

So it it possible this seller bought them genuinely believing they had bought actual Sea of Cortez pearls?