Saw this on Etsy...what do you think?

I've also wondered if this shop was connected to Agustus. Some very pretty pearls here ... I've been tempted to order here and/or from Agustus but haven't ... yet :)
JP if you're not getting this one, I may do so! I've always been curious about the flame of the natural pearls.
Yes, they are tiny, but, they could be the perfect size for an octobaby head... hmm...
I'm really very disappointed to see they are selling ivory (BTW against Etsy rules). Yes, they list as fossil ivory, but the issue with that aside from using expensive genetic testing on the material BEFORE producing items for sale, there is no way to distinguish fossil from new ivory. And many producers employ dying processes to make new ivory appear very old. With the significant levels of elephant poaching for ivory that have been occurring the last 8 years, the sale of any ivory material is unethical IMO (and the opinion of Etsy along with many other entities). I won't be supporting this seller by purchasing from this shop because that's an ethical choice that I have control over. And I'll probably report every single piece of ivory they have up for sale to Etsy for policy violation. End of rant.
I'm really very disappointed to see they are selling ivory (BTW against Etsy rules). Yes, they list as fossil ivory, but the issue with that aside from using expensive genetic testing on the material BEFORE producing items for sale, there is no way to distinguish fossil from new ivory. And many producers employ dying processes to make new ivory appear very old. With the significant levels of elephant poaching for ivory that have been occurring the last 8 years, the sale of any ivory material is unethical IMO (and the opinion of Etsy along with many other entities). I won't be supporting this seller by purchasing from this shop because that's an ethical choice that I have control over. And I'll probably report every single piece of ivory they have up for sale to Etsy for policy violation. End of rant.

Selling tridacna pearls without a CITES certificate is bad business too. The same goes with queen conch.
Hmmm, I was just looking at the pearls, not the other stuff, although they do have some cool findings. I honestly didn't notice the ivory items...but went back to look. I totally agree MSC, and thank you for pointing that out! I thought they were just bone beads (I'm not into skulls, so I didn't pay that much attention!)
Elephants may well turn out to be smarter than me ... I'm with MSC.