Save the Date: Pearl Guide Summer Ruckus 2011

Again words fail to express my gratitude for this weekend. Thank you Jeremy, Hisano, Mike, Josh, Douglas and all who made it so very special.


Jeremy, Hisano, and all you dears who make Pearl Paradise so special,
What a splendid occasion! I can't remember having more fun with a more wonderful group of people. So much work and love went into this weekend, I can only say, it was one of the highlights of my life. I truly appreciate the lengths you went to to make sure we were all pampered to the max. Your largesse should be legendary!

All you presenters, you are so expert at what you do and I learned something from each of you.

What a weekend!
Thank you all.
Mikeyy, Thank you very, very much for taking the afford to connect Eli and me and thereby letting us take a little part - important for us - in P.G. Ruckus.

We had the chance to listen to the presentations by Josh and Douglas and to say hello to the girls.
Hope to be with you all next year.
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It was an extraordinary weekend. A huge thank you to Jeremy for your generosity and warm welcome. Also thank you Hisano, Mikeyy, Josh, Douglas, Justin Hunter, Blaire, Pearl Paradise team (Mia, Angela, Manut, Chenai, etc.), the ones behind the scene (Steve for the wine, Cynde for the linens, and those that I missed), and all ruckus participants who made the weekend a blast. Josh, Douglas, Blaire and Jeremy, your presentations are full of information and intriguing. Nora, Eli, Wendy, KauaiAnn, Nerida, it was great meeting you through Skype and hearing you talk. I am glad you were able to participate through part of the ruckus.

For those who missed it, the pearl mansion was spectacular, the view, the pool, the bar, the wine, caviar, Scotch, etc. :):):). I wish we have the "heart" icon. The catering company's food was excellent. But PEARL PEOPLE are the best. This year I met 4 ruckusers that weren't here last year: Josh, Sara (Kojimapearl), Lillyfuzzysocks (Wendy), her husband Bill, and La Corsetiere (Sheri) ;), all fantastic people.

Hisano, thank you so much for picking up Vincent and Eric at the airport and the knotting lesson. The new things I've learned: transferring the pearls over from the temporary hank, finishing and ending tips, especially the half-hitch knot (is that what it's called?) and knotting without tools. I've been using a darning needle to move the knots closer to the pearls. But I don't have to anymore.

And for those who wonder, the metallic freshwater strands were to die for. Just ask the other ruckusers, hands were all over the trays touching, feeling, oohhs and ahhs.

Sheri, I want to see pictures of the pendant when you are finished.
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A million THANK YOU's to Jeremy, Hisano, the PP team, Josh, Douglas, Blaire, Cynde, Mikeyy and Everyone for making this year's Ruckus such a fun, educational event! I agree with Caitlin, what a splendid occasion! It was great to see you all again!

p.s. Fabio was on the plane in coach (?) 7 seats in front of me, but I only got to see the back of his head. I think he is making an Old Spice ad with Wieden & Kennedy here in Portland.
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p.s. Fabio was on the plane in coach (?) 7 seats in front of me, but I only got to see the back of his head. I think he is making an Old Spice ad with Weiden & Kennedy here in Portland.

I haven't seen any celebrity here. But Eric and Vincent saw Blake Griffin (LA Clippers) in the airport parking garage when they landed on Saturday.
Thank you does not begin to express the gratitude I feel for such a wonderful weekend. Jeremy you are a wonderful, generous man to host such a extraordinary event. It was none stop pampering all weekend. Thank you, Hisano, Mike, Steve, Douglas, Blaire, I learned many interesting things from all of you.

I will treasure the memories always of this weekend.
Thank YOU Cynde for all your work to make the ruckus go smoothly. We so appreciated our ride from the airport! And a thank you also to Sarah for sharing her knotting tips and tricks.
What a weekend! Mike, Cathy (and family), and most of the Pearl Paradise team continued the ruckus last night. I think it is finally over;)
After 3 years it's clear to me that the success of the "Pearl Ruckus" is directly related to the passion of the pearl enthusiasts involved. A very unique and inclusive group of educators, collectors, designers and farmers all coming together as an extended family. Thank you my brother and sister pearlers. I had a great time again. Special thanks to Jeremy and Co. at PP for again doing the hard work that makes this the event it is. Looking forward to Pearl Ruckus 2012.

I also want to thank all those who wanted to come and for whatever reason couldn't make it. I know how much you wanted to be there by your emails and posts. The skype call wasn't working as well as we had hoped but I think those who tried had the opportunity to say hello and meet some of the others via the internet. Maybe we can work that out a little better next time. You are all part of the group and I know you know that. Of course we hope you can make it next time. There are already some very cool ideas being discussed about "Ruckus 2012" Can it just keep getting better all the time? Silly question huh?
Thanks for posting all (as I peek up from my desk). It sounds like a fulfilling and wonderful weekend once again! Some day I hope to be less chained to the construction industry and able to break away during the summer.

And Pattye - I heard through the grapevine that, indeed, it's true. I love those ads and am glad they keep working on them.
Well we are all awaiting the pictures....

Mike, thank you for organizing the skype hookups. I couldn't participate in the morning sessions as the time differences were a little unfriendly, but it was WONDERFUL to be part of it for a few moments here and there. I do feel like I have a pearl family...

Jeremy - thank you again for making it all possible!
Thanks to Mikeyy for the skype link up on saturday night, and thanks to host with the most Jeremy for errrr hosting!
Yes, hopefully with a bit more time to work it out the technology will be spot on next time.
I'm still laughing over my ride in Jeremy's Tesla pocket rocket -- eek! :cool: I think I was there for about seven hours, but I enjoyed every moment. I love you all like family!
I posted all 94 of my pix on facebook. The album is public. It has "2011 pearl ruckus" in the title, but I can't give you the actual url.