Rinkitink of Oz had 3 magic pearls.....


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2004
I am an Oz book freak. I read this as a kid and forgot about it. I am so happy to add it to the literature..... Buy it here:

Joan's World: King Rinkitink and the magic pearls

By Joan Morris
Contra Costa Times

Posted: 04/24/2010 01:00:00 AM PDT

I've been thinking about a children's book I read in elementary school, back in the 1960s. It was about a young prince (or maybe princess) whose dad's castle was destroyed by the enemy.
In the story, he or she was able to retrieve three pearls ? one white, one blue and the last, pink. Each would speak to him, giving advice and special powers, such as superhuman strength.
I tried searching the Internet, but there are apparently hundreds, if not thousands, of books with the word "pearl" in the title.
If you can provide any help with this, I'd appreciate it. You must have one of those pearls; your powers of finding the obscure are incredible.
? Michael, Concord
Dear Michael:
No magic pearls ? just my collection of "Pearls Before Swine" comic strips. But I do think I've found your book.
It is "Rinkitink in Oz" by L. Frank Baum. It was written in 1916 and is the 10th book in the "Land of Oz" series. You won't find any of the usual Oz characters in the book, however, until the end. Apparently Baum had written Rinkitink before starting the series and only later decided to make it part of the legacy.
The book is set in Pingaree and begins as Inga, son of Pingaree's King Kitticut and Queen Garee, is about to come of age. Kitticut tells Inga about the pearls, which helped Inga's grandfather thwart an invasion many years earlier.
Whoa... I just heard of Rinkitink of Oz in a crossword puzzle I have been staring at for the last three evenings.... and I was caught on the name of the Prince.. as it ends in an "a"??

Thanks for sharing, yet another treasure.. they always pop up again in the most unexpected places!
I love the story about the three different colored pearls of counsel and strength!
Thanks Caitlin! (ha ha now I can move past "50 across")
Yea! I got that one right! I am going to try to synopse the plot. I just got a download to my computer of Kindle's 15 volume set of the Oz books. (Kindle has a free download for computers so you can download the books.) I'll go read this one- the pearls are going to be in the first or second chapter, surely!
The blue tinted Pearl of Strength, the pink tinted Pearl of Protection and the white pearl of Spoken Advice. These pearls were the largest and finest ever produced in the Kingdom of Pingaree which was known to have the most beautiful pearls in the world. The Prince Inga of Pingaree claimed these pearls and after adventures to save his kingdom, eventually made it to OZ with his friend King Rinkitink. In a most unusual move, they elected not to move to Oz after the feasts and banquets and returned to rule their own kingdoms.
I'm also quite the Oz fan and read and re-read Rinkitink in Oz many times, one of my favorites!
I thought I read a lot in my childhood, but I find that I have been horribly deprived. ;)

My luck with the Oz movie - equally bad. It was one of my very favorites, which I never missed on its yearly tv broadcast. It happens that I didn't know that the Wizard of Oz film was in color until the day Mom came up and said "I just love the part where she steps out and everything turns to color." She proceeded to tell me that when they talk about the horse of a different color, the horse actually changes color. How rude! ;)

This may have something to do with me being the first person in my family to own a color tv. Yes Virginia, I am old! ;)